Friday 30 September 2016


Dear Readers
Terrible news... my bunny felt sick yesterday afternoon, since then she doesn't eat, doesn't drink and cannot move... The doctor said that if a bunny has an infection it can be fatal, and she is not that old to just die because of ageness, she is 6 years old. And she was good and cheerful in this moment then half an hour later she felt sick... This is unbelievable to me. She has got antibioticum and infusion. She is in some kind of pain, I don't know maybe she has really got some infection or I don't know, she always eat the same vegetables and pet food, nothing what can cause her flatulence, I never give her 'human food' or other stupidness. I clean her properly, she has always much hay. I don't know what I did wrong. Our tap water maybe? It's drinkable but I don't know... She is cold, I must heat her with heater in the near and I'm afraid of the night. I need to bring her to the doctor tomorrow again,
if she will be alive, the doctor said this, I need to prepare myself, but I don't want to... I don't know what to say, the whole is so sudden. Please think of us... I think I hate September more and more...