Tuesday 20 September 2016

Two Painters

Just a "few" thoughts about Saturday… 
It was a really nice day and what I wanted, it rained [as hell]!!

So I went to see Modigliani in the National Gallery…
What can I say… at his last painting in the room [Jeanne with the child or 'Mother and child'] I couldn't bear it anymore, I wept… [yeah in front of everyone, but who the hell cares, ok… Haha I'm that sensitive and sentimental in art I can't help it… we artists are on a different emotional level... sometimes I hate it.]

I think this was pretty much a good organized exhibition btw. I mean when the Museum of Fine Arts doing an exhibition about a world famous artist, there are only a few original works, only drawings, sketches and the works of the artist's friends, whom noone cares or know… and the price of the ticket is usually in the skies… Instead, the National Gallery gather up as many original paintings, sculptures and whatever as just fit in the budget. The Picasso was also well organized.
There were some works from Modigliani's friends too, but they were also main characters in the modern art history, such as the sculptors Jacques Lipchitz and Henri Laurens, so I didn't mind it.

Now that I saw both exhibitions and informed about the two artists more, what is interesting to me is what their children think/thought about their famous daddies. I think I wrote something about Paloma Picasso before but I like to rehearse [like a boring teacher…]. Haha Although she is living in luxury and working in Tiffany's [yeah the poor thing], I'm not envy her for his dad… I mean I read some books and watched some documentaries about him and what I saw is an old childish clown who plays with his children, then on one day he shuts himself from his children and from then on he doesn't care about them at all, he doesn't even answer their calls and so on just because the woman left him [with reason…]. This could be terrible for a child. My dad loved me more than anything, whoever he would be, I couldn't bare it if he didn't love me from a moment, because he has a disagreement or something at the moment. I don't know if I expressed myself correctly you to know what I want to say. I'm sensitive about the father and daughter relationships due to my father is no longer with me and we also had many difficulties, but he loved me and I loved him anything ever happened. Although Paloma is a luxury lady, she is so symphatetic to me. She is totally down to earth [on a healthy level], instead of his father. But that doesn't mean I care too much about these things, I know what's Picasso greatness, although by art I like Modigliani far more.
Instead of Paloma, the life of Modigliani's daughter was far more tragic and full of misery. She had only a myth about her parents. That is what kept her alive… there was a documentary on the exhibition... yeah I wept again...
When I arrived home in the evening, I watched the 2004 movie version about Modi. The movie was nicely shows the two geniuses' difficulties and continuous arguings. Picasso, the self-centered, scratchy chovinist and Modigliani, the sensitive, self-distroyer romantic [that tonnes of alcohols and drugs omg…]. An interesting pair indeed to study.  
Why am I interested in these things? Boring slogen, but if you want to understand the paintings you need to to understand the person behind it, a little and not on a gossiping way of course.

As they say "the eyes are the mirror of the soul".
By Modi beside the delicate colors and lines, I really like the symbol of the eyes at the portraits. I didn't understand aforetime why he was painted hollow eyes. When I'm painting, I usually start the face with detailing the eyes. I think I spend most of my time with the eyes… [what would a psychologist say] So he always stated, when he will know someone's soul he will paint his/her eyes. Beautiful thought indeed. And once he made a portrait about one of his friend, Léopold Survage, illustrating him with only one eye. According the story the friend asked him, why I have just one eye. The answer was this: Because with the other you see inside yourself…

After the Gallery I thought I will not run home into Veszprém, I took a walk in the city. It was a mistake… The city was full of sweet smells… Why? Because there was the annual artisan confection festival! Macarons, chocolate candies, ice creams, banana beers, candies, pastries everywhere! Jesus that was torturing!! I must bought something… I couldn't bear it… You wouldn't bear it too I know it! Haha But I was a hero, I survived with just buying some macarons… 

that creme brulée filled one was suicider... *drooling*

So I know now this too, in the middle of September you must avoid the city of Pest if you wouldn't want to die from the torturing sweet smells…

The other painter.
I think I wrote about a Róbert Pelles named painter once. Shortly, he was born not far from Veszprém [Keszthely], but he lived here and had many exhibitions. I knew his works since I was a teen. He was once a graphic designer [like me...]. He is my favourite contemporary Hungarian artist although he is living and working in New York, but he still has exhibitions on Budapest. He has two kind of styles, the simple colorful abstact and the abstact-figurative style, between Modi and Klimt. Or not, but I see in that way and probably that's why I like his works that much. See the resemblance

What I wanted to tell, that after the confectionery fair scene I found an art gallery not far from the St. Stephen's Basilica, where this time they only sell Pelles paintings and prints! I almost died in a shock... I can't remember when was the last time I saw his works in real life.
I thought his works are much more expensive, but not and there is hire-purchase discount too. I really would buy one. Maybe in the nearby future…
Watch some of his works, maybe you will like them too, HERE
His old works are far more better, because nowadays he paint too much abstract and less figurative things and portraits.
There was his painting entitled as 'Fable' I remember it clearly. I cannot find a photo about it, although I wanted to show you. So beautiful and dream-like. When my father saw that on an exhibition he suddenly jumped to Mr Pelles and congratulated him too cheerfully that the artist suddenly froze down Hahaha. I never forget that face... Haha Dad was a bit of a royal spirit when he liked something that much. That was really a beautiful artwork, or maybe because of my dad I remember it that much… *sigh*

Good Day!/Szép napot!