Thursday 29 September 2016

Eger Part 2

Of course I was not starving in Eger as well. Looks like I need to buy some new trousers… this Summer was very busy again to my stomack… *blush* I should do some sports but I'm lazy as hell… I love my board, but I eat more often than do the skateboarding… *shame* But what is good I think that I always go on foot in the office! Only the bakery is in my way… okk nevermind

So as I wrote before the city is popular about its wine houses and you can find the restaurant what is the closest to your taste as well, there are various restaurants, fast food r., cafés, cookshops, cake shops and others. I chose by my taste and I will write about only those I tried out.

If you ever go to Eger and love pancake like me you must try the 'Palacsintavár' [Pancake castle?] restaurant! That was something wonder! Well the price was a little bit too much at first sight, but what we have got on the plate was totally worth every forint

Beautiful, beautiful, like a Bosch reinterpretation about the Garden of Earthly Delights Hahaha
Btw. this was Hortobágyi Pancake of course *grin*

These were very big and well-stuffed pancakes, so I was totally full after it… I even skipped the dessert, what is a big thing from me!

[Photo from]

I liked the cozy enterior. Dali painting reproductions, coin, money, match, modelling ship collections on the walls beside the many strange pictures, old newspaper cuttings and the two aquariums with the coral fishes. But this lamp was my favourite

The restaurant is near to the castle, under 9 Dobó street.


Turkish teahouse or 'Egri Pasa Sátra' ['Tent of the Pasha of Eger', or something like that]

After they renovated the castle wall promenade, with the opening it opened this tea tent as well in 2015. The owner is Hungarian, but the head waiter is Turkish. They sell mostly hot beverages. The 'leading tent' shaped teahouse made from real handmade folkweaves
[Photo from]

I drank Pomegranate tea. It was delicious but a little sirupy for me, but that is just me, because at home I drink the tea sugarless.

Not only a year… but a restaurant too!
It's in the center of the castle and was always full and many actors just ate there what was a funny scene with those big feathered hats, Shakespeare-like costumes and serious make up… Haha

[Photo from]

It's not a historical themed restaurant, there were modern dishes, but they are mixing the Hungarian cuisine with the Middle Eastern. So I ate Hungarian Chicken Soup with small, snail-shaped noodles, then Eggplant-Chicken Sashlik with mint sauce

That mint sauce was frenetic… I love mint in every way.

Not a cheap restaurant either, but for at least one occasion, must try it.

And last… I saved the best for the end! Excalibur Medieval Restaurant!!! Háhháá Where is my helmet!
The perfect dining table for me, anywhere I can sit and I just need to pull the plate before me. Practical!

I ate there three times… 

1. Sztrapacska With Pörkölt
I could eat that for days... I never ate Strapacska with Pörkölt before, I just don't know why, because it's really great pair!

2. Goose Leg With Onion Potatoes And Steamed Red Cabbage

Picturesque, isn't it?

3.a Onion Soup In Loaf
I ate the whole loaf after the soup... the waiter just wondered why I didn't eat the wooden plate too...

3.b Goose Greaves With Fresh Vegetables, Toast And Goose Grease

I couldn't pull out… damn it!

[Sir Lancelot] Look, my liege! Camelot!
[King Arthur] Camelot!
[Sir Galahad] Camelot!
[Sir Lancelot] Camelot!
[Patsy] /derisively/ It's only a model.
[King Arthur] Shh!

So, Shhh!
Good Day!/Szép napot!