Friday 29 April 2016

Office Room With A View

Our office is fortunately face onto the entry of the castle area and the weather is soo beautiful today...

The white tower once was the town fire-tower, now this area is the historical oldtown. The tower was built in the XIII. century, but since than its original form ruined many times because of wars and later it was rebuilt and ruined again because of an earthquake in 1810. The today form was built in the early XIX. century in late baroque style.

The stone gate [left, on the second photo] is the entry into the castle area. We call it just area, because the original castle complex [what was built in the IX-X. century] ruined and later totally demolished in the beginning of the XVIII. century. So only the gate remained and the bailey. All the buildings were built in the XIII-XIX. century, except the cathedral what was started to build in 1380 but finished only in the early XIX. century. Later I will take more photos.
The cutie pie ding-dong sound comes from the fire-tower.  The sound itself is a more than 200 years old verbunkos dal/recruitment song by a Hungarian composer who was born and lived here. Even the local music school wears his name where I was learned playing the violin when I was 10. I don't know why but I hated it… Since then I deeply regret that I skip learning that beautiful instrument...

This looks like an idillic utopic place, eh? Beautiful view indeed and a nice place, but not go for it… Haha believe or not but this can be an odd Gotham sometimes, especially after dark… everything close at early so after 7 there are very few people on the streets only the arrogant homelesses, old drunkens, teenage hooligans, gangs and other not-my-favourite human categories… I can't wait for Summer, when there are some festivals in the city center, so there will be normal people* on the street too and if I want I can go for a walk in the evening without my pepper-spray…
I just laughed when I heard that this place is called big city by someones… Ok it's a city, although I always say town, but as people behave, think and live here this is more close to a village… Everyone wants to know everything about everyone… I don't want to be more butt than I am but I think I'm the only one here who knows everyone, it's easy, because more or less but everyone is the same... I'm rude but I don't care. The teens are the same, the adults are the same, the old ones are the same, think and like the same things... They don't know the basic cultural topics but quote the Bible from the first alphabet to the last except the teens who know only celebrity's life and care only about 'who fuck who', drugs, fashion and hitting the smartphones... [not all but sadly the majority] Booooring. Even goths, punks and other subcult. titles are strictly imitating each other without individuality, and not only each others look… Disillusioning! But probably there are some misfit fellows out there in this city - who are also hiding like me -, but where???!!! I don't want to become an egoistic jerk... It's enough for me being a grumpy grandma...

So this city town is sucks because of the people [with few exceptions], but beautiful because of the oldtown, the interesting historical monuments, the unique theatre… etc. The Lake Balaton is near as well as the beautiful Bakony Mountains, and the castle and our cute cake shops are definitely worth for a visit!

Not only the view is remarkable today but "the trees, the beautiful trees"…

Good Day!/Szép napot! ✌ 

normal people [for me] = cultured foreigners, [not stuck-up] eccentrics and optimist open-minded people to the normal level [because the big human-friendly 'world-peace' happy family McDonald's-like sunshine people also freaks me out… as well as the suicider kinds…]