Saturday 31 October 2015

My Shamhain: Tarot Cards, Pumpkin Cupcakes, Occult Rock And A Flopsy Bunny...

Before the Halloween night movie marathon I like to spend the afternoon with cooking and playing with cards...

I never carve pumpkin because I haven't got the patience, I just have a tin pumpkin head
But instead of carving I like to cook something from pumpkin. I made pumpkin cupcakes years ago... [recipe here] I never was like other children whom you cannot confuse with vegetables in sweeter form because they smell/taste the vegetable anyway so you lost... I don't mind mix the vegetables with sweet things. In my childhood one of my fave cake was red bean-cake... but you really can't taste the beans at all!
I read tarot twice a year, in May and in October, the two most witchy months in the year. I am not a believer, I love the art of tarot, although sometimes my cards give me the creep when they show my exact present... Like now...
I usually draw three cards from the entire Arcana. The first represents the actual emotional moment and the solution of a most burning question. [I don't know what is it now, maybe the card knows more then me... Haha] So the first card represents the present, the second represents the difficulties and the last one is the solution of the previous ones. Or this is the same with six cards, the first two show the present and so on...
I'm not an expert or something, I know everything from my treasure book "Jóslások könyve"/Book of Fortune Telling by József Vinkó and Gyula Hernádi. It's a very extensive collection about astrology, runes, cards, coins, alchemy, symbols, supertitions and others.
Before the 90's it was hard to find a genuine book about astrology or fortune telling things in Hungary [we had bigger problems countrywide to write such books], only nowadays there are many because it has been a trend... So this book is before today's trendyness, when a book writing accompanied with an authentic research work from old wisers' collections instead of today's occult books for emo - or what is it now - teens what just about the mysterious look, drugs, crappy rituals and darkness but not about ancient knowledge what can help your life or teach you how to understand/to know the people more... 
And how this book found me? I was in my teenhood when I found it in the school where my mom had been teaching. It was left at the stairway, so I want to bring in to the teachers' room to find its owner, but I couldn't help but read in it... It was new for me although I loved to watch the stars and read astrology before... so I thought I bring home for one evening to read out... it was almost 20 years ago and still on my shelf... So technically I stole it...
Many people laugh on tarot cards. Ok maybe in the XXI. century it looks like a silly children' game or a play for the bigoted pagan ones... but I don't think it's something big, eerie or strange thing. 
Who was the old witch in the stories? An old wise woman/man who knows people too well [even she/he never wanted that], lives far from humans because she/he just tired from them, but it was dangerous to know many things, especially to those with big positions whom not know the people at all and afraid that these unique ones might know what they don't... [Who could manipulate who?] So I see tarot cards as a tool for meditation on my/our life. Rethink words I/we regret to say, turn over my/our present to take better my/our future and so on... So maybe those ancient wise people made these cards to blind the common or biggy ones that they know everything about life without cards, so they just pretended that only the cards knows ones' secret. And a card doesn't dangerous and cannot be executed...

So I'm into spiritual/occult things at a certain limit as inspiration, style or black humour but I never cared about Satanism... [I never understood what's its point?] As for me both St Peter and Satan may go to the dance or wherever they want... and goats are everything but diabolical, especially the baby ones with those fluffy faces, eh? But if occult and beloved 60's/70's psychedelic rock meet will born good bands such as one of my Halloween music Coven and the newborn psy.-prog.-rock bands Purson and Jess and the Ancient Ones. Abstract sounds sometimes, but dancing is not just about 'I need a rythm to do it' but a feeling enough... [I mean without anything... ~Ehhe... Just be you and the music!]
Purson - "Contract"
Jess and the Ancient Ones - "The Devil [in G Minor]"

Although Coven was a real practicing Satanist band with real rituals on the stage and other things [at least they were true to themselves instead of the copycat Black Sabbath... I don't care but I just hate them...], but this part I really don't care of, their music is inspiring me as it is and the strong and unique front lady Jinx's voice such great! Enjoy their best, the "White Witch of Rose Hall"

I cannot be more mysterious...

...but then she butt in the picture!!!

~Argh You ruined everything EVERYTHING! *cry and miff at*

Happy Halloween! *sniff sniff*