Monday 13 June 2016

Recipe Part VI / Milk Rice-Pudding [Rizskoch]

Heyya I'm back! I've passed my exams, I have the certification Wohoo! From now on I'm a nail technician, but only on paper, I have much much to practice… But the one year stress is over thanks to Buddha or one of the Olympians or whoever else… but someone is definitely likes me up there [or down there]. I know it was not an arts faculty or else, but I just wanted to study something easy and fast course what related to handcraft things and there is always availability in it. I can't help it I'm an artistic soul who always doing something creative, I can't imagine myself as an office worker in my whole life, or being a teacher with this unique attitude of mine… All my previous studies were related with creativity or art as well, except the hateful architecture tech. school. But that was a require if I wanted to finish the historical monument protector course. Sadly I always realized that I will not find a job in my occupation when I finished the current school. I loved the graphic and web designing as well but I wasn't very fortunate with those too in the work world. But this is an oooold and long story… My dream always will be being a painting restaurator or monument renovator [beside the dream of my subconsciousness, being a hard rock star] but that dream is gone with the wind. And now you can think if you want: -Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Honestly, me neither… Just keep looking forward from now on! *flourish of trumpets*
So this time artificial nail building. Sounds strange for me and probably there will be times when I'll be bored with the whole, I don't care just no more jobless, moneyless months without proper food and self-doubt again in my life... And at home my artworks always will wait for me to cheer me up and there is business in those artificial nails and I have plans. That is enough for me now. No more dreaming… Except dreaming about being a hard rock star of course.

Well, rice.
Recently I made sushi and for the first time I made sweet sushi or 'fruit sushi' as well. I loved it!

Recipe from HERE 

And it just came to mind that I made the Hungarian milk rice-pudding such a long time ago. It's almost the same as the Japanese version, except that we use more milk and at the end we bake the whole as well. When I was kid I didn't like rice that much, except in this sweet form.

Anyhow I searched on the net I haven't found anything about the story of this cake. But this is very popular in Hungary and I found a recipe in my great-grandma's cookbook too, what is more than 100 years old. We call it 'rizsfelfújt', 'rizskók' or 'rizskoch'. Rizskoch is the oldest in wording. Koch means 'souffle' or 'puffed-up' or 'pudding' [the English-kind] in German. So probably this is another dish what came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire era [1867-1918].
Or not.

Hungarian Sweet Rice-pudding or souffle

You'll need 
1 tbsp unsalted butter
300 g short grain rice
150-200 ml cold water
a pinch of salt
About 3/4-1 l milk [I use rice milk, but you can use soy milk or any kind.]
2-3 tbsp/or personal taste amount of sugar [I use unrefined cane sugar (light brown) but you can use birch sugar or what you want. But be careful with the sweetenings, this cake must be not too sweet at the end, because they usually eat it with sweet sauce, jam, powdered sugar or fresh fruit.]
1-2 tsp fresh lemon zest
1/3 Bourbon vanilla bean [scraped out] or 1 pack vanilla sugar
3 eggs

raisin [I skip it because I hate raisin… but some says it's good in this.]

Method to make it 
Set a larger saucepot and heat up the butter on low heat. After it melted add the washed rice and stir it for half a minute. Add the water and the salt. Turn the heat to the highest. When it starts to boil turn the heat on low and add 1/2 l milk, the vanilla, the sugar and the lemon zest. Put a lid on but stir it often. About 15 minutes later taste the rice. If it's too hard but the milk is almost boiled away add more milk. Put the lid back but also stir it often. The rice will be good when it's very soft and the milk gives a thick sauce around the rice. Taste it again and if its not enough sweet add a little more sugar. But it's good if it's not too sweet!
Add the 3 eggs and stir it into the rice mixture till the whole is yellowish from the eggs. Set a medium baking-pan and grease it out with butter and sprinkle it with flour as well. Pour the rice mixture into the pan. Preheat the oven. Bake the whole on low heat until it's golden brown on the top. Done.

You can eat it with fresh fruit, jam, marmalade, fruit sauce, chocolate sauce, vanilla sauce, powdered sugar, cinnamon, chocolate ice cream, nutella… the list is never ending like that story with the funny-faced white dragon. 

I prefer it with strawberry or pineapple-passionfruit marmalade

Enjoy it!/Jó étvágyat!
It's good to be back