Friday 11 December 2015

Popcorn Review

This year's family present…

We eat popcorn on non-human level and microwave popcorn is very salty/unhealthy to eat it almost every evening… and I found on the ebay this nice looking gizmo from Global Gizmos.

It looks like this year's Christmas will be around this white fluffy joy… Among the presents from my friend there was this!
It's actually Genmaicha, but the Japanese youth often call it "popcorn tea" because it contains whole roasted grains of brown rice, some of which have popped. ~Yummy

The earliest memory:
In my childhood I loved everything what related to the Disney company. Not like today when Disney society turned into something very weird… and almost every kid celebs whom worked in a Disney show - for too long - will be drug addicts, goners or adult entertainers when they grow up… Interesting…!?! Something is definitely not right at that company beside the amount money they bag… whole Africa would eat normally from that money…
The only thing cartoon companies do well, that the most of the latest animal characters are endangered species, so maybe the next generation will grow up on these serious issues and do something for good... or not.
So I like – the old - Disney things for the same reason as many other people do: cute animals everywhere [although they represent human behaviors but never mind... Haha].

So who remembers this one?

I think this was the first animation I got to like these two clever little chipmunks, but that frog-voiced bastard never leaves them alone… Damn you Duck!

Good Day!/Szép Napot!