Saturday 19 December 2015

A Yule Wizarding And Cooking Weekend

Before the Holydays I always hold a Harry Potter movie marathon on the last weekend before Christmas… ~Yeah it needs a whole weekend now, not like 10 years ago when it were only one or two movies… ~Ah memories. I love these books since High School, which was very long time ago now… Haha
I remember I read the first book in the school too and once the history teacher scolded me to read it in the middle of the class. Fortunately he didn't take it from me so I carried on reading when he turned away again… I was a naughty bookworm in those times.
What was funny that around that we learned about dictators and totalitarian dictatorships of the XX. century. So Rowling's book helped me much to understand more this terrible happenings and what can comes into families' and friends' life under a terror. [My father told me so much about
dictatorship eras as well, he survived one... not like my grandfather] School history books focus on facts of a regime and year numbers, but not about personal strugglings of the common people. Many kid bored with only written facts [I was too] what were in the past or they can't understand many things because they not lived in those times at all. Where the hell they would know what those fears really about. Potter books help the kids understand easily these terrible eras from the real history only that these stories take place in some kind of imaginary parallel world. And these happenings are not died out from this world at all… [and never will while human lives in this poor planet] As we see dictators come and go freely in the world still today and many teenagers doesn't aware/care about these things at all… Sadly the truth is that not only the society is the main misdoer if an egoist insane man rises up from the mass to dominate, torture and homicide the people, tear apart families or a whole nation. I found a clever saying in a Japanese dorama: "World peace starts with peace at home" … No more comment.
But beside this, Potter books are fun too of course, at length it is written firstly to kids about kids, everyday school problems and everything else what related to childhood and teenhood all packaged in a fantasy "garnish".
I like watching the movies too, but honestly, the books are highly much more than another Hollywood-like fantasy project.
Sorry for the long intro again, but wherever I am and I dare to say I like those Potter books I got it: "Jesus, you like that stupid kids stuff? How old are you silly?" …................... For this nothing to do with the age and these books are definitely not only for children... and I'm really sorry but I have nothing to say to those who only read Danielle Steel-style books and trashy magazines, watch the stupid reality shows and Desperate Housewives-kind series, know nothing about their own country history and their children only cares about their f♥♥♥ing iPhones… ~Oh how I hate these typical people around me… Someone save me from them pleeeease!!! *choking and faint*

So I do this marathon every December but this year I thought I cook "some things" too for this occasion [or the sake of my blog… Haha]

So the menu is…

Cockatrice-a-leekie Soup [Recipes - without the odd fantasy prename of course - from here and here. I mixed the two.]
This wasn't in the book at all, I just wanted to cook something Scottish. The first book completed in Scotland and the most scenes took place there too.
In case if someone not into these books at all: Cockatrice is a magical creature, it’s a rooster with a lizard's tail...

Black Lake Fish & Chips [recipe from Jamie Oliver
This also wasn't in the book but I wanted to cook some British food too.
I made it with 'Alaskan pollock' [the only marine fish I could buy here in frozen pack...] and for the batter I used Hungarian Soproni beer. I never drink beer but whom I asked they said that Soproni is one of the most preferred Hungarian beer beside Borsodi. I used a light aled one or what. Me and the beers… Oh and the cashier lady asked me to show my ID card!!!! Am I look under 18 or what? Just one beer I bought for wizard sakes… [in Hungary you will be rated as adult at the age of 18 not 21 like in America for example, so you can’t buy alcohol or cigarette under this age] Maybe she needs glasses…
Black Lake is next to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and in the deep there lives the huge – but friendly - octopus and the mermaids. 

Rosmerta's Rosmary-Pumpkin Pasties Pies 
According the book the pumpkin pasty is sort of like a Cornish Pasty filled with sweet and spiced pumpkin puree, but I just made an own version pasty and I made it in pie version because I never have the patience rolling out the dough, maybe because our kitchen is extremely small... I just put everything in a muffin sheet... So the non-sweet dough is filled with pumpkin puree, diced smoked bacon [Kolozsváry], caramelized red onion, salt, pepper and much rosmary.
I always liked that Rosmerta character in the story, although she is only in a few scenes. She was the landlady of the Three Broomsticks pub in the fictional village of Hogsmeade. 

Polyspice Potion
It looks more like Butterbeer but without foam…

It's actually my homemade brew without a name [yet] from Earl Grey tea, cinammon, clove, allspice berry, green cardamom, star anise, black peppercorn, ginger, crushed red pepper flake, vanilla, vanilla sugar and at the end I added a little rice milk. But I let the proportions a secret if you don't mind. I am a Winter born girl so I like very much the typical spices of the season - which are common spices in India but nevermind… Haha So it's amost the same as the Massala Chai.
The 'Polyjuice potion' is a magical potion "that allows the drinker to assume the form of someone else".
After a cup of my very strong spice tea I feel I look like a 'fremen' now… Haha
Maybe I should call this brew 'a
Bene Gesserit schnaps' or something… Ahaha

Chocolate-bisquit Frogs
Coconut-cocoa bisquit with orange-dark chocolate on top. This bisquit was my childhood favourite. An old friend of my mom used to make this for my birthdays. Now I found her own handwritten recipe at last.
In the wizard world the frog-shaped chololate candy can jump, so you need to hurry eat it before it jumps out of your hands [or mouth]. Mine are keep still… ~Boooring
and finally Sweet And Corny Owl Crunchy 
Owls are the main animals in this story. They are not only friends but they deliver the everyday posts too.
This is from unsalted popcorn, Bohóc [orange-rum], Lottó [walnut-rum] and Sport szelet [rum-cocoa] chocolate bar pieces, Francia drazsé candies and tea bisquit… *drooling* Calories go to hell tonight!!! and in whole December…

~Oh It's time… 
Now there is nothing left but push the PLAY botton, watch and eat… ~Yippy!

Good Day!/Szép Napot!