Monday 28 September 2015

Recipe Part III / Savoury Cottage Cheese Noodle

or the cheapest and easiest Hungarian dish you can make at home

I don't know a story about it sorry... Haha

Savoury Cottage Cheese Noodle/Túrós tészta

You'll need [for one person]
about 8-9 tablespoons Frilly Large Squares/Fodros Nagykocka noodle [good brands: Gyermelyi, Korona, Tetővári] or any kind of thin flat noodle
2 tablespoons túró/savoury cottage cheese [sorry it has no proper translation in English due to it's not cheese at all...]

1 tablespoon tejföl/sour cream
a 1/2 tablespoon diced szalonna/bacon [it's a commonly used greasy bacon, but I more prefer to use Smoked Kolozsvári which is a unique marinated bacon with more meat part.]
Method to make it
In a smaller saucepan roast the diced bacon until it browned then set aside. Take a large pot of water to boil and drop a pinch of salt in it. Put the noodles in the boiling water and boil them until tender. Pour the noodles into a colander to drain the water away and then pour them onto a plate. Crumble the savoury cottage cheese on the top, add sour cream and diced bacon as well. Done.
I usually leave out the sour cream as you see because I don't prefer it, but... there is a variation which sounds disgusting at first read... I never eat this with sour cream on top I prefer granulated sugar [well, cane sugar]!
My poor father just shoked his head sometimes how can I eat it this way... Sugared savoury cottage cheese is a common filling for Hung. pancakes, but the bacon with sugar? Trust me it's tasty!
I love unusal taste variations, even in lip balms I hate the boring vanilla or cherry flavoured, I rather prefer sweet popcorn and cinnamon pumpkin... [try not to eat them... ~Ehhe]

Enjoy it!/Jó étvágyat!