Monday 28 September 2015


One year gone since my dad passed away... 
He was a big record collector since the 50's, which means a lots of record! He cherished them so much, especially the 60's, it's unfair that he couldn't take them with himself... Since his death we never touched them. They are like some fragile relics... 
I hope he is happy now and he has't that terrible pain anymore, anywhere he is.
He was just a...

Recipe Part III / Savoury Cottage Cheese Noodle

or the cheapest and easiest Hungarian dish you can make at home

I don't know a story about it sorry... Haha

Savoury Cottage Cheese Noodle/Túrós tészta

You'll need [for one person]
about 8-9 tablespoons Frilly Large Squares/Fodros Nagykocka noodle [good brands: Gyermelyi, Korona, Tetővári] or any kind of thin flat noodle
2 tablespoons túró/savoury cottage cheese [sorry it has no proper translation in English due to it's not cheese at all...]

1 tablespoon tejföl/sour cream
a 1/2 tablespoon diced szalonna/bacon [it's a commonly used greasy bacon, but I more prefer to use Smoked Kolozsvári which is a unique marinated bacon with more meat part.]
Method to make it
In a smaller saucepan roast the diced bacon until it browned then set aside. Take a large pot of water to boil and drop a pinch of salt in it. Put the noodles in the boiling water and boil them until tender. Pour the noodles into a colander to drain the water away and then pour them onto a plate. Crumble the savoury cottage cheese on the top, add sour cream and diced bacon as well. Done.
I usually leave out the sour cream as you see because I don't prefer it, but... there is a variation which sounds disgusting at first read... I never eat this with sour cream on top I prefer granulated sugar [well, cane sugar]!
My poor father just shoked his head sometimes how can I eat it this way... Sugared savoury cottage cheese is a common filling for Hung. pancakes, but the bacon with sugar? Trust me it's tasty!
I love unusal taste variations, even in lip balms I hate the boring vanilla or cherry flavoured, I rather prefer sweet popcorn and cinnamon pumpkin... [try not to eat them... ~Ehhe]

Enjoy it!/Jó étvágyat!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Singsong Bunny Meditation

She enjoys when I'm humming to her
I take my breath very noisy... annoying Haha
The original version sounds better of course than my poor trying... Haha 
Qntal, is the best neo-medieval band in the world - for me leastwise - and the cutest as well. I wish I could see them live

Good Day!/Szép Napot! *sniff sniff*

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Masterpieces In Veszprem

Bernar Venet is a well-known French conceptual artist, sculptor, painter, theoretic as I read, but I've never heard of him... He exhibited his iron sculptures [looks like a couple of wooden balks] in many countries in the world and now they reached Hungary as well. I just don't understand why Veszprém, why can't they put this exhibition at Budapest where there are much more people whom appreciate modern sculptures more than the people of this little town. Anyway, we can see them on four locations from 18 July to 31 October and Viola Lukács [Who?!] some art historian was the main organiser along with the director of the Veszprém art house [where I learned too], László Hegyeshalmi. He was one of my teacher. Probably they are the only ones here whom know this French gentleman.

On the forum site of Veszprém there were arguings about what are these exactly and why are they here - exactly? ~Oh, What a privilege. But what was the occassion to bring some iron pipes into Veszprém? We heard that previously they had been exhibited in Strasbourg and they were not so popular there. ~Hmm Maybe in Veszprém it will be the same. Here the art scene is about the boring landscape painting [Retired people love it but I hate it. What's the point painting realistic landscapes, there is the camera...], the alphabet art pictures???, the just-wants-to-be-a-modern-interpretation and the installation what you will never know what it is until somebody explains and you just hope that it will be the artist itself, however I never agree with this. I hate these questions myself: So what is it about then? What does this means? What was in your mind at this point? - I would tell it if I want/or know, trust me. Haha - Such as I hated to analize poems in school. What do I care/know what was in the poet's mind. Maybe we say it naively: -I think he is missing his valentine at this line because it sounds romantically and a little bit racy also... [and in real life it was about the poet's sister...] So usually I'm on this opinion but some "artworks" in Veszprém shout for an explanation... Even Delia Deetz's sculptures from "Beetlejuice" are much clearer than some things here sometimes...
There is or was [moved to abroad] only one painter whom I like very much and who was born in the nearby area, Robert Pelles. He lives in America now, but about 16 years ago he had an exhibition here in Veszprém. I was there with my parents. They almost couldn't pull me home. I am a fan of paintings and his artworks were a delicacy for a girl like me who always admired painters with unique style and wanted to be one of them but never had the courage to take a single paintbrush in hand till she was 22... I like his old paintings more, because nowadays he only paints colored shapes and that's all. In the past he painted scenes and portraits as well. His women portraits remind me of Klimt with a hint of Modigliani. Love the square like shapes and other painting textures he uses. He is famous and liked in America, he is in well-known galleries as well, but I miss his small but cosy Hungarian exhibitions...

So back to master Bernar Venet. What do you think about the 'indeterminate lines' or "Metametria"?

[Photos from]
"The spiral is an open form, you couldn't understand it without the acceptance of the meaning of the infinity. Venet likes forms which connected to the geometric progression. These works are repeating circles, a magical system what brought to life by mathematic and it's upon us what we can see in them, harmonic rhythms, Bach-fugue mechanism or abyss. ... Standing before the huge, at least two meters high compositions, the eye can see things in them what maybe there aren't at all." - wrote Gabriella Bartuc at
[Maybe you can see in it the other side of the street!] 

I like the titles and the explain sounds interesting as well but I just really don't know... Contemporary sculpting is not in my interest at all along with matemathic, maybe that is why I don't like them very much. ~Sorry
But something definitely came into mind about them, an old Hungarian phrase: "It is impossible like making an iron hoop from wood." But he made it, so nothing is impossible! Haha

Good Day!/Szép Napot!

I Want To Be a 'Researcher'

There are two kind of researchers. The important ones, whom do something good for humanity, or at least try. And there are everyone's favourites, the non-important researchers whom the articles always start with these slogens "Researchers have investigated" or "Researchers have discovered" but my favourite is: "Researchers knew within minutes".

Today I found among the news the next brilliant statement or should I say the statement of the century:
"Researchers have investigated that the biggest predator is the human. He has brutal hunting methods, he kills not only for food but kills for fun as well, overfishes and wastes..."
~Wow! They needed researchers to find out all these...? I just hope that they knew this within minutes! ~Good grief
I think I just wanna be a researcher too. How much is the payment? Never mind. Not much work, just throw the facts what people already knew but noone is doing anything for good. Seriously...

Congrat for the human and researchers as well! It made my day again. 
~Oh happy day...

After this my eyes just rolled on the next meaningful thing...

Some famous surfers whom just shit on danger zones, surfed at a forbidden place where there are many bull sharks and tiger sharks. Of course the fishes tasted them alive. They survived it. But the X government licenced the shark huntings to decrease the attacks in that natural reservation... Natural reservation=hunting its creatures??? Not some people acted stupidly on their own risk...? Blame the animal of course! ~Wow What a sharp logic again to close a topic... Hunt them down to leave the foolish, rich and famous people [now some of the surfers] to do what they want and where they want. 
I like to watch surfing but please... 
My opinion: Do not surfing in a dangerous, forbidden and restricted area even if you are a celebrity... You know sharks might bite you because they are animals, whom are just living in their homeland and they don't know that you are just playing around with a fu♥♥♥♥♥ desk [for money or fame]. They just act on instinct. What is new about it...?
~Oh ohh poor human, ocean is not under your control yet?! ~Tsk tsk tsk...

But it's just one animal problem from the million and I know there are people whom must live next to dangerous creatures and can't help it so I finish... 
I just hate when the Big Guys says automatically: this and this kind of animal is overpopulated at one place and it is dangerous, a pest or just simply a nuisance  now, need to exterminate
My answer: Humanity is overpopulated as well and far too much to this planet... but that who is the most pain in the a♥♥ is a question of aspect...

[Friedensreich Hundertwasser] "You are a guest of nature - behave.

Friday 11 September 2015

Inspectress Gadget

My mom arrived home from France. My French cousin and her husband held a big party to celebrate their ten years of marriage along with their two beautiful little sons, close relatives and plenty of friends. Someone asked: What's the point celebrating ten years with almost another wedding party? ~Hmm I think nowadays a 10 years long marriage is a big thing! Especially if it ends with a happy party not a divorce paper... I really don't believe in marriage and hate the idea as well but all of my appreciations to my cousin and her husband, whom give me hope that honest love and mutual human solidarity not died out from this world at all.

So my mom brought me a souvenir. She knows my taste well. I just love electronic gadgets and other funny everyday stuffs with unusual look. Our house filled with them: cow shaped sandwich maker, octopus pendrive, puzzle patterned external hard drive, Holy Mary toast pattern maker, squirrel shaped spoons, bunny pencil sharpener, piggy flashlight, black cat speaker, fairy tale illustrated mouse, flamingo adhesive tape dispenser, skulls and bones ice-cube tray and so on. Our house sometimes reminds me of Ariel's chamber: "I've got gadgets and gizmos... whozits and whatzits... You want thingamabobs?"
They are coloring the weekdays.

So I couldn't stop laughing when I got this. I never saw a thing like this. It looks like an ordinary pendrive, but this is actually an essential oil vaporizer! Now this is just cute! 

orange+cedar+cajeput+spearmint+lemon+mandarine ~Mmm Love the scent!

There is a lovely shop in France I like very much, the Nature et Découvertes. You can find there everyday things and gifts which related to nature, meditation, healing and healthy cooking. This vaporizer is also from this shop as well as my "starry sky"
In the dark it seems like I am sleeping on a field or whatever. I got these in 1999. 
Since then they illuminate my room constantly...
Good Day!/Szép napot!