Monday 27 July 2015

Noisy Veszprém Part II

Saturday was the last day of the Street Music Festival. On Thursday and Friday evening I went with my mom to see what fun this little town can give us. ~Hmm It was surprisingly cool!!
There were much more music scenes as it was written in the program list. There were many beginners as well but they were very good! ~Wow 
But what hit me the most that I never saw that plenty of people in this town... I never saw a person in the city in the evenings at all... 
Luckily I didn't meet with familiar people. Usually this is the reason why I don't like to go out in Veszprém. Too much people on the streets who knew me since my childhood and call me 'Vikike' [childish nickname for Viktória] all the time I meet them and they just want to talking with me about everything and nothing. ~Oh How I hate them. I'm not rude at all. I like my cousins and relatives, I enjoy talking with them, but these people are usually old neighbours, teachers [I sufferred a lot in my childhood by them, no thanks...] and mutual acquaintance of my parents, but not me. So I just wanted an evening without them. It has managed! 

Starter musicians and bands [all Hungarians] only played covers but in various musical styles. Pro bands came from Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovenia and UK. There was a French band 'Mac Abbé et le Zombi Orchestra' whom I missed and I sorry for it. I like horror punk/rockabilly very much but I never heard of this band until now. I just heard that they were frantically good with their horror look too... Maybe they will come next year again.

My artist list from the fest [in those few hours I was there...]

Missy Cage, a new Hungarian band with the best "Personal Jesus" cover I ever heard. Sadly I only arrived onto their last song...

This cute couple played the cream of the 50's with a single saxophone and guitar

I enjoyed to listen a teenage band who played covers with heavy rock style. They were not on the list so I don't know their name but they were really cool. What it was kind of funny that every artists played a song from Bee Gees... Is it some anniversary of them or what? Their songs are ok classic but I really can't stand their voice... for me only deep voice I bear to hear in music even when a singer is female. [That is why I always adored the voice of Nina Simone, Shirley Manson, Carly Simon and Tanita Tikaram.] Their best was the cover of "Seven Nation Army".

German tourists appreciated much when this two punk boys played a Rammstein song ["Du Hast Mich"]. I love this song too.

An Italian folk duo Ilaria Graziano and Francesco Forni on my first place. Although they are pro artists not beginners like the previous ones I enjoyed them the most! After my big Italian favourites like Rhapsody of Fire, Camerata Mediolanense, Lacuna Coil, Mandragora Scream, Amedeo Minghi and Angelo Branduardi I think I found the next one from that creative peninsula.
On Thursday I only heard their first song because I needed to go home early [next day work...] but I liked that one song so on Friday I just wait for their performance

At the start we were only a few around the little stage but in the end the small square filled totally. No wonder at all, they were very very good! So after the concert my mom brought their album for me as a gift. But how... I just wanted to ask them on my shy Hungarian way how much is their cd when my mom suddenly popped up from nowhere and started talking to them in French! And they spoke French too! How the cake did she know it?! I couldn't say a word as usual. For talking my English is very poor so I just kept smiling while they nicely dedicated the cd cover. I was not nervous or whatever, I see musicans as other humans I just can't talk freely with anyone so I just let my mom has her moment. The lady and her partner was very nice. She held my mom's hand while they were talking with us. It was a very cute scene. It's unbelievable how my little mom can chit-chat with anyone even with Otto von Habsburg! Haha
The album is as great as their performance was. [And the man has such deep voice! Haha]

Cute paper lanterns and light strings were for decorations, not something big or unique idea but it became the street more cozy by them

There were 60's style van cars everywhere in the city selled homemade beers and wines, special - also homemade - delicacies and various Hungarian and foreign dishes and fast-foods. Everything was very pricy ~Huhh... but I was hungry enough to eat something. I'm sinned...

...because suddenly I saw my dinner! ~Gloria in ex...
...and it was really meat and sauce!! [and the bun] I never ate that much meat in my whole life. It was extremely tasty therefore I missed some green parts. 
Anyway see you next year Sandwich van! 
 [...and cute seller boys whom I almost skip to notice... Haha]

Good Day!/Szép napot!