Friday 17 July 2015

Macaron Friday

Nowadays macaron is not a big thing at all I know, but in Hungary this sweet only came into fashion maybe 5 or 6 years ago. So I'm just a newly fan.
I have relatives - my paternal aunt and two cousins - whom live in France. They travel to Hungary every year with their kids to be the family together for the summer. 
And Oh they brought me a big pack of petit macarons... My mom couldn't stop laughing on my face when I saw the pack... It's just another sweet for her.
So I just waited for Friday - cause only on this day I have a little free time - to enjoy these colorful goodness with a little drawing of course.
I hate that I have only this little free time in these days. I need more drawing, but this school take my weekends fully... I can't wait for September to finish it.
Btw. these macarons are not filled, but their taste is soo fruity enough Haha I'm going to be crazy... but I still can't say "Ohh too much free time".
[this is trying to be a self-portrait...]

Good Day!/Szép Napot!