Sunday 17 May 2015

An Introduction

My name is Viktória. Im a native Hungarian. Im a graphic designer and historical monument protector in occupation but I'm not working at neither field at all [I couldn't got a job...], I just write everywhere what I learnt because I spent many years to study them, at least I want to be proud. Now I'm studying again, this time nail art and technology. Maybe I will be more lucky on this field.

I'm living and working in Veszprém, a small - and a very sleepy - town near Lake Balaton. I grew up here and I lived most of my life here, except that about 7 years I lived in Budapest [College and others]. Last year I moved back in my old town because of a family tragedy, financial and other problems. So I'm writing my blog in my old room. I'm living in our small flat again but this time without my dad, who passed away 6 months ago after two years of bravely fighting against the horrible cancer [cancer of the oesophagus and later in his bones]. I was very depressed until now, but I have a job already, I study something new and maybe blog writing also brings me back to life again. And Spring! I love May! The only warm month there isnt allergy yet... 

Although my age is now in the "too late to die young" category I'm still a 'child in soul' person as you will see later. I like dressing by themes, I collect strange dolls and cookie cutters, I have my favourite themes I always buy something like mermaids, octopuses, kitschy catholic ornaments, esoteric/gothic things, cute red foxes on something - because of my red hair and astute personality I started to collect foxy things. [Not fur or whatsoever!] I don't care what others think about me. Life can be very boring in this little town, especially when everyone at your age are doing the same, after 8 hours long work [or more] they just watch the shitty TV programs [until it sucks their brains out], or go to a smelly pub and drinking beer with other boring adults talking only about sex and football or women talking only about they want to get married NOW, fashion, sex, children, children, children, marriage, fashion, children, "I want a divorce" or my favourite is that everybody shouting on politics... All at once!
So I really hate these typical thirty something social amusements á la Veszprém, I found my own way to amuse myself and I'm in a harmony with myself at last. My friends living at Budapest or abroad and although I miss them soo much I never feel bored or loneliness. Fortunately I like being alone.

In my free time I'm painting digitally, illustrating, crafting, making animations, writing tales - but these are all just hobbies for me, because I can be very amateur [and creepy]. Some lucky fellows can say proudly "I'm living from my art" but I just say: I'm living for art. But creating is not just some leisure interests for me, it's like the drug for others, a 'need' to carry on. I'm always doing something. Happy or sad mood, good or bad weather, I just paint, if not, I write, if not, I draw or glue, or cut, or sew... I'm really crazy in that mind condition... Haha
I'm not telling big that the art once saved my life. Creating is a huge therapy for a morefold broken heart, besides animals of course. This two worlds keep me alive.

Talking about animals, I have an always hungry - and smelly - little bunny. Maybe she would bite my fingers off if she knew what I really think of her. Sometimes she reminds me of the 'killer rabbit of Caerbannog' from Monty Python’s Holy Grail, especially when she is hungry and I forgot to feed her in time... Yes in time! She is a living clock. Why isn’t my bunny as normal as others?!
So her name is very posh instead of her hippie lifestyle, don't laugh!: Aquamarine Anthea, after a mermaid movie and a murderer from an Agatha Christie novel.
About being smelly and messy all the time your question is relevant:
"Why dont you keep her clean properly?"
I clean her place every following days, but she never let me bath her, because she hates water! I know bunnies usually hate water, but there are many on the YouTube who enjoy it... so I gave it a try. In the beginnings I bought her a bunny shampoo, but she scratched and squeaked from that. Ok, dumpster. After some time I just tried to wash her fur with mild running water in the tub. The next moment she jumped a big then ran across the walls! then pushed aside everything and gone, and the first thing I realized was my bleeding hand and I thought that my bunny is not a normal bunny at all... or I did something very wrong. I was an amateur that times...
So that was my last attempt to clean her with water. She likes being smelly and thats her happyness. If its too much for my nose I slowly rub her with hay, she not notices anything, just keep tricky! After that shes smelling very interesting, but better than..."teen spirit".
Although I'm a big Asia fan and my home cookings are mostly asian meals, on this blog I want to promote the Hungarian dishes only. The recipes are 100% authentic, some of them were my father's own. Yes, at home my dad was the 'kitchen man'. I was not so enthusiastic for his meat-with-meat-without-green meals [so much fighting for nothing] but his soups were frenetic! Hungary is a very soupy and brothy nation so my father would definitely won the crown. Hungarian dishes are not difficult to make them and needs only few ingredients except some really special meals.
Beside the recipes I also want to post about some really good snack bars or restaurants where I ate and you must try them if you once visit my country.

In the title I called myself 'witchy'. I wish I was...
Its just my tricky and gothish personality... Im into Neopaganism the way they try to protect and respect the nature like some ancient religious groups did, but in reality Im a Buddhist. So don't be surprise if youll see mismatching topics, I can be interested in very different things...
I'm a very nerdy and geeky girl, really into history, philosophy, mythology and folklore. Instead of other children I grew up on Greek mythology and medieval legends. These were my 'Grimms' tales' and Homer's Odyssey was my bible. My mom is a history teacher and the kind of brain idol for me. Although my dad was a "boring lawyer", in his free time he collected original bakelit discs and movies till the 80's. There wasn't a movie he missed or music he havent heard. He was like a lexicon... Amazing!
Now I'm in the middle of them. I have my own music, book and film collection [categorized in alphabetical order...] and most of them are in historical themes. On this blog I will write about historical and folk things also when it comes to topic. This land filled with them!

So... we are a small country, and 'in mind we living in our history' nation, therefore everything is about politics, sometimes in a kind of a philistine, sentimental or exaggerated way... If you are talking about your country proudly and happily without any critic you are definitely on the 'right' side, if you are not that enthusiastic or just have tiny doubts on someone or something, you are now belongs to the 'left' side... not much choice and they judges you instantly... It's very annoying! Now I'm on my own side if it comes to politics and I truly love my culture, although I'm not the happiest person to live here because of the many typical 'Eastern European style' narrow-minded people... especially in Veszprém. The years of my youth was not really happy either because of people like them although my parents gave me soo much love and care. I was bullied [by boys] at schools and I almost had been an another victim too... [only "almost" but that was enough for me for a lifetime fear and distrust...] So because of those negative memories I'm in a love-hate relationship with this town. But historically it is one of the inspiring town in Hungary after Budapest [at least for me].

Im a very ecclectic and maniac person. I always have 'favourites'... issues, styles, foods, music, historical eras, books, films... etc. So many times I just fluttering from topic to topic without any logical reason depending on what is in my head at that moment. Now Im writing about the Hungarian middle ages, five minutes later I write about sandwiches and the next moment I write about my new shoes and then a heavy metal video... Today Im in a good mood 'rainbows everywhere', next day I'm just grumping... and something like that. Sometimes I'm very loony for myself too.

About grumping... maybe it comes with my age but I can be very negative. Beside that Im very disappointed in humanity Im a feminist as well since my earlier teenhood, so I can be very bitter sometimes [probably because of my past], but I try to moderate myself - if I can - because there are many good boys out there I know, I just always met the bad ones...
But relax gentlemen I have my opinion about some women as well and about myself too. I'll try to silence my mouth on this blog and avoid topics that Im sensitive on. But I think it's good for you to know who I am before anybody tries to pester me again in this life.  
So if you dont like what you read or see on my blog than just go with Peacebut please spare me from hating comments or whatsoever! Im really tired of hater people... YouTube is the perfect place for that. We should call it Fuck Your Tube! because mostly there are only heavy arguings among the commenters although the video is about an innocent cupcake baking for example... "People are Strange". 

Now I finish it with these refreshing thoughts...

So thats Im and more.
If you reached this part then you are a hero anyway. Im quite difficult to understand I know and maybe I could be boring with those oldish topics like history and folklore... but I enjoy them. 

Good Day!/Szép Napot!