Monday 25 May 2015

Hausu Party

Its Whitsun [Pünkösd] so there is no work or school. Time for a little crafting. Yippy~
I couldnt find a summer tote bag in the shops which would prefer to my eccentric taste, so I decided to make one on my horror freak way. Im really into horror movies, but only the oldies I like, especially from the 60s and 70s. From the modern category I only watch the Japanese and Korean ones.
So for inspiration I chose again this Japanese classic from 1977. "Hausu" by Nobuhiko Obayashi is a surrealistic phantasmagoria which will blow your mind to the fullest. A genius artwork if you ask me. I saw it many times but I always find something new interesting element between two scenes.

[Pictures from Tumblr and Google, neither is mine.] 

The plot in one sentence: An auntie, who died in sorrow many years back because of the loss of her fiance who died in the WWII, out of rage and jealousy, she "eats up" every maiden who dare to enter in her big - and always hungry - house. A real house party! Haha

The design plan for my felt bag. It's a litle bit chaotic yet...
This movie inspired me before. Last year I made this phone case



And of course the hell cat inspired me on my first gel-lacque lesson on Saturday... I was really bored, so as usual I tried to cheer myself up to pass the time until class ended. It worked...
So if you want to go on a "high trip" [without any crappy drug] you just watch this movie! Its like Japanese Monty Python on a higher level.

Ok, too much talking about this film. It means that Im going to watch it again this evening...
I hope I will finish the bag for this summer...
Im always like this. I come up with an idea but I just watch a movie instead... stupid lazy movie freak me...

Good Day!/Szép Napot!

Mini Mini Sandwiches

For me sandwich is one of the best invention after soup [but before popcorn], particularly these little magical sandwiches. My preciousss
They are look like the danish smørrebrød.
Every weekend when I travel to Budapest - because of school - I need to drop by my favourite sandwich store, Duran. The family who "invented" these kind of sandwiches came from the former Czechoslovakia and they worked during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The Duran family had simple bakeries and cafes in Austria and Czechoslovakia. The store, which selled only sandwiches was opened in Vienna in 1968 by Vladimir and Tomas Duran. [1] Later they opened stores in Hungary and Turkey, but I just found out that there is a Duran store in Chicago already! Ooh the goodness is spreeeading~

There is something tricky about them. Although they are small, 5-6 pieces are fairly enough to fill your stomach, therefore I always try to eat more but my stomach says nono… 
"Not fair! not fair! It isn't fair, my precious…!"
…but in my mind I could eat them till I die… *grin*

Stores in Budapest
District V., Október 6. street  
District VI., Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street 7.  
District XI., Móricz Zsigmond körtér 15.
Retek street 18.

Although this small sandwiches are not Hungarian invents at all, we also prefer open-faced sandwiches but in a bigger size. On parties, school banquets and other social occasions there are always sandwiches and so called 'falatkák'/bites [= tiny piece of bread, cheese, salami or Hungarian sausage/kolbász and pickled cucumber pinned on a toothpick or - retro - plastic mini sword]. On a proper Hungarian sandwich there are butter, salami or kolbász, onion, yellow bell pepper or tomato and "Piros Arany"/Red Gold paprika paste on top. Or there is another typical open-faced sandwich we usually eat [except me], bread with duck or pig grease on it, onion rings and a pinch of paprika on top.

I laughed a big when I read "Nigellas Hungarian Sandwich" recipe. I dont know where the hell she got that idea from but Hungarian sandwich is definitely not that. [At least not a proper one.] Maybe she met a Hungarian in England who ate that crap at the moment and she thought: -Oh my, so this is what a Hungarian sandwich looks like! *clapping her hands*
I wouldnt be surprised if all of her international recipes were born this way... But yeah she is Nigella so no one cares at all that she is stupid or not, until she is licking her fingers between two whippings... I just expected more from a star shef... but nevermind. Oh look Im grumping again. Thanks Nigy!

Good Day!/Szép Napot!  ✌ 


Sunday 24 May 2015

I'm A 'Luftmensch'

I find myself on the net again. There is a German/Yiddish word for a strange person like me: luftmensch. It literally means "air person", which suits me well because I'm an Aquarius, a strong air element sign.

Urban Dictionary says [a little bit pejoratively if you ask me]: "The opposite of a materialist, may be the opposite of an achiever too. Someone whose strengths and pursuits are non-practical [may indeed be helplessly handless], not related to any sort of business or worldly gain. May be a shlemihl, may be a useless sort of geek. Is very likely to have an interest in things of the intellect and/or the spirit, art, music and philosophy. May at best be a source of knowledge and wisdom for others, even if an exasperation to those closest to him/her, and indeed himself/herself. For sociological reasons, usually male."

1.      I have business sense although Im a living sleeping person, its not related for me...

2.      Whats a "useless sort of geek" who is "very likely to have an interest in things of the intellect and/or the spirit, art, music and philosophy"?
Im sorry but if there werent any Michelangelo, Leonardo, Socrates, Galileo, Darwin and much much others, who were the 'useless' geeks and social outcasts of their time and everybody would be the same, it would be a very grey and boring planet... Geeky philosophers/inventors/artists are coloring our grey weekdays and helping us to understand each other and the world more, making easier our life with their tech. inventions, relaxing our minds with something beautiful or just simply give us fun. Not belittle them! Who knows who will be the next historical brain or creator. [I dont meant these on those millionaire and hypocrite fake gurus or admired hedonistic musicians with no voice and painters who paint a blob on the canvas and very vain - and 'money man' - from that... etc. My words only for those lonely, penniless but talented outcasts!]

3.      "For sociological reasons, usually male"
Yeah there would be more female philosophers in the past too if... blah blah [But we know our history well, dont we girls?]

In the Hungarian language we simply use the word 'álmodozó' to a person who daydreams and philosophizes on smaller things. Or we use 'fellegekben járó' to someone who totally not on the Earth, he/she is walking among the clouds.

This cute Yiddish children poem is nicer to my kind [I dont know the author]:
"There is a lady in the sky,
she's grazing clouds and kissing birds.
Where did she discover the power to fly?
A magic spell? Teach me the words!
Alas, oh no, it is no spell,
but instead, as truth will tell,
a simple mindset, a unique sense.
That lady there is a 'Luftmensch!'"
[The sky yesterday from my window. Veszprém is a very windy town because it lies in a valley 
- well the most part of it -, so here the sunset is always vivid orange colored.]

Some years ago I wrote a short melancholic tale about a girl who is living among the clouds but wants to live on the Earth among the people. Something I subconsciously expected about myself. I try to translate it in English someday.

Good Day!/Szép Napot!