Thursday 17 November 2016

Me, The Local Celebrity… Oh My

Sorry if I disturbed you with my personal cryings again on the other day… but sometimes I feel I need to write out the anger from myself or one day I will just blow up… and this is not just a blog to me but some kind of therapy as well [anyhow cheaper than a psychologist].

This week is frightfully silent in the office due to I'm ignoring that old fart because I'm bored with his infantile things, who is now nervous because I'm ignoring him… What is this man, kindergarten? You are 60 years old, time to grow up! ~Alle alle!
About last week incident: Relax, nothing serious but due to he usually behaves like a cavalier gorilla [with the same odor] I was surprised that he is that talented that he can behave like a wrathful grizzle as well [with the same odor]…
He "just" yelled at me and mocked me as a woman for about 10 minutes in the middle of an important meeting before important people over some paper I scanned wrongly, althought I said them a hundred times that the scanner works badly from almost two months, but my words against him? Please. So I just stood there, I wanted to say something in my defence but he shouted "Shut th f. up I speak!" [?!] so I shut it because he is a senior and there were many other people… After that day I'm not in the mood to communicate with him. He is not even my boss, who dislikes him anyway so no problem... I think I just deeply respect his wife, who is a silent 40 kg skinny old lady who smokes at least 1 box of cigarettes a day...
I don't know what the f. was with him on that day; maybe he was drunk again [as usual] or he is just as much 'nobody' that he must show how "big" he is on an important meeting… Boss is on holiday, maybe he thought he will be the tough guy now… Anyhow he is a loser… Go to hell old fart and for everyone sakes have a bath just for once! Thanks.
Did I mention that beside the old fart and jerk boss there is a third shiny person in our office room? A 50 years old self-described 'anti-feminist' [Wtf???] woman who is still living in her own bubble world and hasn't the slightest idea what's really happening in the world, I think a 10 years old knows more. I don't know where she grew up maybe in a rabbit hole in Marshmallow town in Pinky Land, anywhere but on Earth for sure…
What a company, eh? Ok, I know I also have my own headshot but seeing them I think I'm the most close to what they call 'normal'…
Or not.
Why is that, that there are funny and open people in the other office rooms but all the boring idiots are here in ours? … This is karma, definitely karma… Why are they punish me when I can't remember what did I do wrong in my past lives?????
But I think I must thank the old fart that he freaked me out, otherwise I never had the braveness cut away my hair at last… This Buddhist thinking does good for me.

I never wore extreme hairstyles. Since I was a teen I just grew and grew my hair, sometimes I cut a little bit from the end, once or twice I had fringe but that is all and I don't think red is an extreme color nowadays as well. Sometimes I went to a hairdresser but because the family hairdresser is old, any new style I showed her she just did the good old 80's… After a couple of arguments with her that I hate perm and highlights and if she not mind I'll say what color I want on my head and that is not blond for sure, I skipped going to that hairdresser ever again or anywhere else… anyhow it's an unnecessary expense to me.
I loved my mermaid hair but honestly I planned to cut down the whole for a while, because it needed too much care, shampoo not to mention the 5 packs of paint. Too much time and expensive. Honestly I didn't care about how will I look, I was angry so I did it without thinking… But it's comfortable and I can breathe at last...
So everyone in this town who knew me since I was a kid or a while just got a shock on this week; from the bakery lady to the snack bar waitress, from the herb shop woman to the pharmacy lady, from the neighbours to the postman, from the librarian to mother's old friends not to mention the Office. They just all repeated the same 5 words: What…? Where…? How…? but… noo… then finished it with an "It's nice, but…" The funniest comment was my friends's from England when she saw my photos on facebook: "Jesus Where is your hair? Did you sell it?"
Today afternoon I will meet with her sister who is working in the cinema and she is a big fan of long hairs… Can't wait what I'll get… Oh god… I think I'm dead *nervous laugh*
But the hell with my hair because… BECAUSE… BECAUSE today is the Hungarian premiere of the Fantastic Beasts with Mr. gorgeous red haired Wunderbaaaare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fanfare and triumph* After five looooooong years finally another movie! I can't wait the 17pm and the cinema popcorn!!!!

Good Day!!!!!!!!!!!


~Öhh sorry I'm a little bit overexited… *cough* I go chill down a bit… I have to endure four more hours in this pighole till the movie… 。゜(`Д´)゜。 *baby crying sound*