Tuesday 24 May 2016

Boring Times

Sorry for I dissapeared... and I will again. I will have four exams in a row [state exam] on the first week of June, I must study and practice... I'm bored as hell, I rather write trust me... I like what I study, but I'm not in the mood now. The nail tech school wrote me two weeks ago that if I want the certification I must take the state exam till August... That is that.
And other things just happened I was worried about.
My little Aqua suddenly had a strange knot or something on her back under the skin. So I was very nervous to bring her to the doctor. I prepared myself for the worst, but according to him it's only an average bunny problem at her age, but it's neither a malignant tumor nor a papilla. But I must be watchful, if it would grow that would mean bad omen... Nice.
But the best of the bests, last week was a terrible fire in the hydrogen factory next to Veszprém and the fire was very close to an ammonia storehouse as well... if it would blew up Veszprém would be in a serious condition... I was really terrified. About 150 fire engines was there just from Veszprém but fortunately they could stop the fire in time... Our rotten luck all the time...
I think I finish for today... too much happy story...

Well, wish me luck for the exams. See you in June!

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Monday 9 May 2016

May Queen Of Veszprém

The first festival was held in Veszprém last week from 2 to 8. This festival is the Gizella napok/Giselle Days. Giselle was our first queen, the wife of Stephen I of Hungary [who I wrote about many times last year]. Our city town was dedicated to her because this was her favourite place [probably this place was more fun in the Middle Ages than today], so since then this city town is called Királynék városa/City of Queens. The meaning of this festival beside the many galleries in the castle and the folk concerts is the big folk art fair. Artisans and craftsmen come from all part of the country from Eastern-Hungary to Székelyföld/old Transylvania [now part of Romania].

It was really stunning and there were many but really MANY tourists... Unbelievable how my town is soo dead in Autumn and Winter and how crowdy can be on Spring/Summer… although I don't really like the crowd I love fairs and I'm glad that I could mingle in the foreigner crowd at last without meeting with familiar people from Veszprém…
I love folk art especially the beautiful ceramics. I have my favourite, the Szilágyi kerámia/Szilágyi Ceramics, what is a family busines from Szentendre, next to Budapest. I was on this fair only a coulple of years ago due to I lived on budapest for years, so I waited this year to buy someting from this ceramic family. I don't like their traditional works I only love their folk tale inspired kitchen set. So yesterday I bought this cute plate with a cute witch

and a mug with a naughty frog-roaster witch. Ah yesterday afternoon was nice.. watching Kiki with the company of a Kürtös kalács [Chimney cake?] and my new mug
The Hungarian twisted magic!

'Vitéz Kürtös' makes the tastiest ones, the sugar on the outside is perfectly crispy. They came from Székelyföld and on bigger European folk festivals they are there. So search for the 'Vitéz' title and you will know they are "us". Try the cinnamon spiced one once, it's great!

I was with a friend in the fair, who will get marry this Saturday. Yeah I'm invited too... She is my friend and she has happened to meet the right guy [actually a very nice guy], so I'm happy about her. And the party? According to her there will be plenty of food so probably I will survive somehow [the little fox with an enormous full plate in the corner that will be me...] Hahaha She knows I'm not really into marriage parties but I don't want to hurt her of course...
So it was a really hot day, we drank a glass of raspberry-orange lemonade. I never tried this match before, it was delicious. At home I just squeeze a lemon and drink it as it is Haha I'm a barbaric drinker without any trimmings Hahaha
And about the evening I bought a bottle of 'Varga' red wine. 'Varga' winery is pretty popular in Hungary. It's also a family business but from the Balaton area. If I drink wine I only drink medium sweet one, so I just know this, but it's very good and tasty. Thats all I can say about a wine Hahaha but probably all of their wines are as good as this was.

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Friday 6 May 2016

"All our times have come"

My dad would have been 73 yesterday, so we visited his grave.
I don't know why, but most of the people afraid of cemeteries. I like the peace and quiet [only chirping birds] and little flowery mounds with vintage gravestone art… I'm not telling this because I'm somewhat gothish or whatever, I like cemeteries since my childhood. Probably I inherited this from mom, who liked to read and study over her dad's grave. This could sounds bizarre, but is not. Both my parents lost their fathers at a very early age. My mom came from a big but very poor family with many – if you ask me annoying - brothers and two – stupid - sisters, who all were not only very noisy but always bullied my mom [there was mysterious accidents with her you know...] because she was the littlest and later she was bullied again because she was the only one in her family who liked to read and wanted to go to college or university, being more in the life… typical. Now you can imagine how my aunts and uncles live their lives... some of them are total peniless [never studied, have some job], some of them are alcoholic [studied something but doesn't like to work only drink...], the others have family but I just don't know why, their childrens are the same as they where... I'm rude again, but some of them just deserve it... Oh the greatest joy on the Earth: Family! So when mom was studying onto her university entrance exam, she went to the cemetery for a little quiet. Clever girl :) But instead of mom my poor dad hated everything what related to hospital, cemetery and death in all his life and almost histerically. He was like a child sometimes. He hated movies related to murder or death. Only liked vintage and romantic movies with happy ending... I'm total the opposite. If I'm sick that much I go to the hospital in time because I want to be better as soon as possible, cemetery is not terrifying, just stones and – probably - loved ones who sleeps their long dreams and Death comes for everyone one day, it's for sure like the f bills comes in every month… That is that. I often think of that if dad wouldn't feared hospitals that much maybe the cancer would have diagnosed sooner and dad would have been saved... or not? I don't know... he was in a very serious condition and only diagnosed at the end so the operation couldn't save him... But one for sure, always be aware of everthing. The less bad surprise you get...
As I see myself now I will die before my laptop or eat myself to death… or I will have a heart attack while I'm playing with my next next next next and last bunny… leastwise I hope I will die one of these ways instead of cancer or anything else…

So Veszprém has four cemetery and this is the third oldest one. It established in the 40's or 50's. Most of the gravestones wear the style of these eras. As I know the oldest cemetery here was established in the XVIII. century! Next time I will visit that to see those truly old gravestones.

the guardian

grave-sculpture for a two years old little girl... well this is another unfortunate fate indeed

3 in 1? Sorry, bad joke...

Ivy everywhere

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Sunday 1 May 2016

"Season Of The Goddess"

Welcome May! The most beautiful month in the year...
Yesterday was Walpurgis Night and it was Saturday as well, what means a total Witches' Sabbath! *old hag laugh* Did you do something baaad? 
Me did... I ate too much chocolate cake in the evening... my stomach still huuurts...

I wish I was there... [one dream of the many...]


Good Day!/Szép napot!