Friday 7 August 2015

Personality Type Test Results or Letters are matter

I was always concerned about my own personality psychologically. To know/to accept others you need to know/to accept yourself first... I really try but it's not easy at all.
One of my bad habit is to analyze, criticise and judge the people [and myself as well]. In a bigger crowd - if I need to go in some place - I just like standing by the wall or somewhere hiding and watch the people [not peeping...] and analyzing their behavior/way of thinking. I'm like a bad granny often just grumping... Maybe because I more or less alone or among people whom cannot understand me at all and in a life like this a person can start to believe that he/she is all alone in this world with his/her own unique point of view and there is noone who can understand this... ~Nee, He/She is just being among the "wrong" people... My story is the same old boring disc now I know. Not long ago I just swam in my big and melancholic ego that I'm the only one in this planet who see this and think/feel that... But honestly I'm very complicated for myself too. Sometimes I want to be more social but I can't, I can't talking with anybody anytime freely, I can be cheerfully social but only for animals, I must be prepared for every possible future happenings which is impossible of course that is why they call it 'future', I hate sudden changes in my life but hate boring everyday routines too, I like planning and always need a "let-out", I never go just somewhere I always go out with - a very certain - reason or I just stay at home, I usually take notes about an event or a day what I want/need to do, I don't want to care the world but I want "world-peace" but I also hate humanity because distroys everything on Earth [iconic animals just extinct slowly one by one...], I gladly teach the people or give them healing words but I also can be an antisocial instant-people-judger and a grumping-on-everything-which-related-to-humans persona who always wants to be alone... but I think the world is fascinating with the nature and animals and I only hate some specific people [whom are sadly far too much in this planet] but the point is that I'm always among people who totally the opposite of my opinions/ideas/thoughts/approaches/point of views. But the best part is that they always try to convince me with their boring, grey and higly typical/or stupid wisenesses, because I'm more or less diplomatically polite and they think I'm indecisive but minimum silly... That is the point when I open my mouth and edgily tell them my fat point of you about the current topic and then they just shut up and blink. Maybe they don't understand me or totally not undestand what I'm trying to say or they just simply surprised that I HAVE definite answer and brain... Sorry but I just can be this rude instead to leave them to despise me for hours... In this little town not difficult at all being unique when almost everyone think the same without individuality... but this was the same with me at Budapest also. So small town or big city I always find myself in the wrong community [this problem is not about my few but close friends of course]. 
And then - thanks that I'm often on the net - I just found many comraids from many countries in one day whom face the same problems on pretty much the same way like me... I really like being alone but I'm also glad that I'm not alone at all in the world. My ego just can ease down a little...

Although I'm interested in psychology - and laugh if you want - but I never heard about the Myer-Briggs 16 personality types. I know Carl Jung's dream theories but I never read his other publications like the 'Psychological Types' which was the main idea for Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers to create the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI]. Only a couple of days ago - while I was just surfing on Bored Panda - found a comic strips about being an INFJ* and its everyday difficulties in social life, illustrated on a very direct and humorous way. I never heard about these personality type things really but these comic strips could be about my life also. I searched on Google how can I find out "What I am?" or "Where is my place among humans?" [if I have one...].

Depending on the various Hungarian translated but official MBTI tests my results are these:
According on the
4 questions test I'm an INFP
20 questions test I'm an INTJ
72 questions test I'm an INFJ
88 questions test I'm an ISTJ [about being at the workplace... I'm totally not my real self there sadly...]
94 questions test I'm an INTJ test I'm an INTJ - T test I'm an INTJ
and according on 44 questions test I can be INTJ as well as INFJ

The two last letters can change by tests. Maybe due to my ecclectic personality and the tricky test questions. Finally I found myself as an INTJ more often [=Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging]. I think I more of a cool-headed thinker than an emotionally influenced person and although I can be hypersensitive sometimes, usually I just overthink/overcomplicate everything that is why I more an INTJ then an INFJ. Maybe I'm halfway to INFJ-s, because I more like an eccentric weirdo who living in the own epic movie than a general scientist...
But what fixed at every results is that I'm 100% an introvert. ~Hmm Quelle surprise... says "INTJ is the third rarest type in the population, and the rarest type among women." [Should I just be proud of?! Haha]
INTJs make up
2% of the general population
3% of men
1% of women
Among famous INTJ-s there are Isaac Asimov, Ulysses S. Grant, Augustus Caesar, Lise Meitner, Lewis Carroll, Nietzsche, Martin Luther, Sir Isaac Newton, my big star Stephen Hawking, Jane Austen, Jay-Z, Philip K. Dick, C. S. Lewis, Hannibal, Plato, Lenin [nice...] and among fictional characters there are Sauron, Saruman, Elrond, Voldemort, Palpatine, Mr Darcy [What is he doing among old coots?!], Draco Malfoy, Ciel Phantomhive, Sherlock Holmes [especially in the Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock], Professor Moriarty, Maleficent, Ellen Ripley, Michael Corleone and the other Hannibal... One or two are a little bit freaking me out and I'm just glad that Hitler was not on the real-life-people list [but on INFJ's]. Although I like horror movies I never saw the Hannibal series neither the Godfather because these are too much for my really sensitive soul although for an INTJ I should feel quite the opposite... or that is why I'm not clearly an INTJ but closer to INFJ?! Or INTJ-s can be hypersensitive also? I think I just confused from myself... or the letters... or I don't know yet... What was the question?
Some INFJ fict. characters I could relate to are Rapunzel [not because of my almost 80 cms long hair...], Sonmi-451 aaand... Dumbo! I was born with big and projecting ears so I truly understand him... Now my ears are fine due to a plastic surgery but one of my childhood trauma was the same as Dumbo's. And they called me Dumbo as well...
Anyhow, thanks to this illustrator and his cute drawings I got closer to know myself a little more and knowing how my surrounding could sense/see me and the fact that I'm definitely not alone with my problems in social situations and my life is not a useless one just because I like dreaming or brainstorming [even for hours]. »»««

If you are curious about which personality type are you these are the most complex tests in English

Soooo out of curiosity I just filled out a test about 'Are you a social or a sociopath person?'.
Yep, as I thought, I'm a sociopath. But better than being a psychopath isn't it? *nervous titter and 'Psycho' main theme*

Good Day!/Szép napot!

*INFJ type=Introversion [I], Intuition [N], Feeling [F], Judging [J]