Friday 7 August 2015

A [k]Night In The Name Of Art

The evening I wait the most in every year is the 'Evening of the Arts'. It was on 22th of June but I forget to write about it since then. Some thinks that only elderly people and families could enjoy this but I don't agree with them. There were many young people from many countries.
Although it's a countrywide event, there are far more interesting programmes [and galleries] at Budapest than in the countryside...  

You pay only 1500 HUF in the first museum or gallery you visit and the other ones will be free to see on that evening [I think there are similar museum evenings in many European countries as well.]. With the armband you've got you can travel on any kind of vehicle in the city from trolley to metro till noon of the following day.

I started the afternoon at the 'B.Á.L.N.A.' [literally means 'whale'] cultural and shopping center near the Central Market Hall at Fővám square. There are various contemporary exhibitions and Hungarian artisan product shops.

The first exhibition I saw titled as ''Több fény!"/More Light!. The main topic was about the 'light' [either natural or artificial sources] and the use of the light by artists across the centuries

Gyula Várnai: Systema Naturae, 2011 
[Photo from]

I'm not really into underground or punkish art but the next work was really cool. It belonged to 'Zawar Collective' [in Hungarian the word 'zavar' means confusion or disturb]. These works were illuminated by neon lighting in a small, dark and veiled room

"ZAWAR Kollektíva/ZAWAR Collective [László Csernátony-Lukács, Zsolt Gyarmati, Zsigmond Lucza ]: Misztérium, szimbólum, abszolútum/Mystery Play, Symbol, Absolute, 2015 [extract]" 

[Photo from:]

In the downstairs was a cute exhibition inspired by fables and Jung's dream pchyhology. It was an interactive gallery so little children enjoy the most. When you stepped into the hall you needed to follow the path on the floor. I like the first installation the most. Budapest made of gingerbread! The whole city include all its monuments were from ginger cookies decorated with gummy-sugars, dried fruits and various candies. The smell was torturing... I almost tasted the 'Heroes' Square'...
Background of the gingerbread Budapest by an Italian artist. A dreamlike cathedral inside with a woman's voice who tell us a strange dream about fears and hope.
An imaginary diary of a faceless lady filled with own thoughts about life.

"He [or she] asked me have no fear and do hasty things without thinking. 
My life started on that day."
A Tim Burton style installation about a twisted dream. 
You can put or "leave your hat on" hanging on the wall...
The next thing I liked was a huge wall where visitors leaved a message to others 
 Some writings:
"Vive the life!"
"More openness!"
"We almost forgot that this is refer to us as well."
"It's easy to save the world in a shroud of metaphor"
"You just think it's easy"
"How small"
"How big"
"Valentine, peacefulness"

"I believe in you"
"and then I started drawing air balloons..."
"...and travel on them."

"You always hold my hand"
"I will hold"
"Memory... [forever] ...we are dreaming"
Love the main hall of the building. Contemporary sculptures everywhere
Leave behind the whale I took a walk at the Danube before I went up in the castle

Me with the Liberty Statue behind me. I'm trying to look cool with my 60's-styled sunglasses...
but I just try! I'm nerdier from a nerd and I can't help it. Haha 

So in the castle I wanted to see the National History Museum [next to the Hungarian National Gallery and the National Széchényi Library]. Besides the continual exhibition there was one about the renovating process of the Matthias Church [next to Fisherman's Bastion/Halászbástya] and what renovators found in the cellar and other old religious ornaments and sale-works
I like this dark theme sculpture from the original decor collection of the cathedral.

Goody Two-Shoes. In the old times canonical people wore the best designed accessories...

iron [maiden] gate of the cathedral

At this point a small Japanese man just kept staring at my camera with his super hightech iDon't know what was that... maybe he thought my - 13 years old - Canon is another display too, another historical piece... Haha
 This illustration looks funny. It reminds me for a line from the movie 'Life of Brian': 
"The shoe is the sign! Take the shoes and follow Him!"
...except there are no shoes at all. Follow the feet...
Embroideries in the past were made on a higher level [and without any machines]

Panorama from the window
Upstairs there was the continual exhibition about the Hungarian medieval era till the end of the XX. century... artisan crafts, furnitures, historical dresses, sculptures etc.
If I die I want a simple grave stone like this one, but instead of lion there would be a bunny of course... Knight of the long-eared
I don't know why this illustration reminds me of "The Frog Prince"... some medieval helmets looks funny.

When I was a child I adored heroes of the medieval legends. Growing up and knowing the real meanings of your childhood favourites can be very disillusioning [as everything else]. For example there is the legend of "St George and the dragon". In the Middle Ages some of the men liked to advertise the main meaning of womanhood in stories where the lady is unbelievable grateful - for a lifetime - for the gracious man who saved her from "her sinner self"... For example in this story the dragon simbolized the sinner/evil side of woman... If you don't believe it just search for some pictures about St George from the XII-XIII. centuries where the dragon has female genitalia! I don't know if I laugh or cry... [I think I just have an idea for the reverse... Hehe] Art historians would be as astonished as I was when I first heard about this and found the facts. Earlier centuries and later the dragon is simply a dragon on the paintings but there was a certain period in medieval times when [probably male] artists reconsidered the old story and twisted it nicely... As we know there were a period in those times when most of the man fought in the Middle-East for a higher [t]reason than the boring earthly life, work [or fatherhood] and women took more place in the leaved-behind society along with their children and the elders. When the heroes arrived home they found their women in their places. Out of confusion they started creating fables for the people about idealized women whom gentle, predictable, humble, modest, loyal [always pregnant or at least ready for it] and know their place well [so know nothing about manly job] and about heroic men whom do anything for their ladies [if he must kill a lizard for her he kills it] but only if the lady disposes of the previously listed female behaviors and approachings... and there never born more 'Holy Mary and the child'  illustration/painting then in the Middle Ages...
I think after this you doesn't want to know the real reason of one of the most romantic stories of all time "Tristan and Isolde"... or do you?
Anyway this steele about St George is a masterpiece

I don't know why does everyone feel it nessesary to put their hands into the mouth of a gargoyle... me too.
The dream beach wear for a sunbathing-hater abstracted girl like me this super black swim-suit and Eastern style beach umbrella [from the 30's]...
...with a Venetian style wooden clogs [from the 40's]...
...and a cute mushroom bag!
In the nursery school my sign was mushroom...
it explains many things. Haha  

Time flew so fast so there were only a few galleries and museums for me to watch and I really enjoy being in the castle at the finish... It is almost midnight. I really enjoy that there are many people from many countries swarm at one place. They are noisy and the whole castle just echoing from the different languages and music. It's dark yet the museums are in a soft light outside. You are getting tired but don't want to go home yet. You are "swimming" from hall to hall, chamber to chamber like you were a sleepwalker or some ghost among the ancient walls. It's fun!

And what could be more joy for a nerd like me on an evening like this like the museum shops. Haha I didn't want to spend but I couldn't leave this cute fridge magnet collection behind 

Good Day!/Szép Napot!