Monday 31 August 2015

Feeling Proud, At Least A Little

After I studied many things in my life I thought that finish a nail technician course will be very easy... Now I know I was wrong. It's pricy, it needs much more patience [than I have...] and totally a fiddling job... especially the porcelain building... How I hate it... I don't know if I chose the right occupation for me. I never had artificial nails. I knew nothing about this profession, but after 6 years of living with uncertainty I must have done something... I thought about being a tattoo artist or barista as well, but although I love coffee, as I see myself I would be the worst in the cafe shop business because you must be nice every day and in every case:
[Rude Guest] Hey, you! Little kitty!
[Me] Yes, Is there any problem with the Americano you ordered? /In mind: Suck it through your nose or whatever just leave me alone.../
[Rude Guest] I was just wondering if you ever smile for the people.
[Me] I smile, but only for whom deserve it. You lost. Anything else?
or I as a tattoo artist: 
-Sorry buddy, I just don't know how, but the skull has become a cute panda head... but you like it anyway, don't you? *blinking*
But the big, bald, bearded, angry motorbiker shake his head... 
Instead of these I will be the nightmare of the nail technicians: 
-I just let you know darling, with these 10 cms long nails it will be a true acrobatical challenge using the toilet, but you wanted it...

So the artificial nail building left on my list. Not bad I just don't think I have the patience for it. But there were some other lessons which I preferred more, such as the anatomy. I really enjoyed it, until... I thought: ~Oh knowing the anatomy of the hand and the nail will be easy, not much theoretics... ~Yeah then we got the 75-page resume about the working of the hole body, through all of the bones and muscles, main organs, blood vessel... and finished it with all the nail and skin diseases you just can/and can't imagine. ~Ughh So I just asked them 
-Why is the teacher doing this, it's a simple nail tech school not the medical university, why must I know how the nerve cells deliver the informations happily into the brain... 
-Because she IS the anatomy teacher of the medical university... 
-Ok. ...and?!
So I was a little bit nervous about the final test...
I enjoy anatomy until I'm studying the bones, skull and veins, the color of the blood... I'm a goth and an artist after all not a surgeon...

But we just got the result and I've reached 89%! Ok it's not the most most good grade but I'm glad I over this exam already, but still far from the finish... ~TIRED~

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Monday 24 August 2015


"Just a spoonful of sugar... go down..." and almost the spoon as well Haha
Good Day!/Szép napot! *sniff sniff*

Sunday 23 August 2015

Bloody Dyes Of My Life

Sometimes daily routines can become boring... and I hate to be bored... and what is the life if it isn't a big surreal playground...

In short, I do my usual hair dyes therefore vivid red paint everywhere but on my hair and the bathroom looks like a thriller movie scene...

She just doesn't even care that she will be my next victim... ~Eheheh

But who was the first then??!!
[a whisper] ...Me...
Good Die... Öö Dye I mean Day! Damn it...

Friday 21 August 2015

Recipe Part II / Hortobágy Pancakes on 20th August

or Hungarian pancakes stuffed with chicken meat stew

It mixed from two different dishes, the pancake and the Pörkölt. It is usually a starter dish but for me not... if it is on a menu it is enough for me just bring me some more!
One of my childhood favourite was "Lottie and Lisa" from Erich Kästner. Lisa lives with her father in Vienna and she just loves stuffed pancakes:
"-And you'll have some wonderful meals at the Imperial. Daddy's always so pleased when I eat a lot.
-What a pity stuffed pancakes are your favorite dish, complained Lottie. Well, it can't be helped. But I'd much rather have veal cutlet or goulash."
-If you eat three pancakes the first day, or four or five, you can say you've had enough to last you the rest of your life, suggested Lisa.
-Yes, I might do that, answered her sister. But the very thought of five pancakes made her stomach turn over."
I think I just never have this feeling. Haha

Because of paprika this dish is also very well known among the national ones, although it's only about a 60 years old recipe. The title is false too, the dish never "saw" the Hortobágy at all [Hungarian Great Plain]. On the Brussels World's Fair in 1958 a Hungarian shef made this dish for the first time as a marketing trick. I think he just didn't know yet what wonder he created.
The other version of the legend that it is made for the first time in The Grand Hotel Aranybika [golden bull] at Debrecen. [1]

[1]  Hungarian Electronic Library

Hungarian Thin Pancakes [as I make it]

You Will Need
290 g flour
2 eggs
5 dl milk
a pinch of salt
a pinch of sugar
a glug sunflower oil
oil for frying

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and whisk it to a smooth butter. Heat a medium - nonstick - skillet [or crêpes pan] over medium heat, lightly brush with oil. Add 2 small ladles of batter, swirl the skillet to coat the bottom with a thin layer of the batter. Cook until set on top and lightly browned around the edge. Gently lift and flip the pancake with a rubber spatula, cook until just browned on the other side. Transfer to a plate and repeat with the remaining batter... It makes about 8-9 pancakes.

My filling is a basic Hungarian chicken meat stew or Chicken Pörkölt [family version]
You will need
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 small onion [peeled and diced]
2 tablespoons ground Hungarian paprika [Hot or not it's up to your taste. We have many variations from hot to sweet paprika and we usually mark them by strongness: strong/hottest=csípős or erős, mild hot and sweet=csípős csemege, semi sweet=csemege, Noble sweet="Édesnemes" labels on the packages. Best is the Kalocsai and Szegedi brands.] [2]
about 30 dkg chicken breast meat [cut into small, bite-size pieces]
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper 
1 tomato [cut into circles]
1 yellow bell pepper [cut into circles]
1-2 cloves of garlic [pressed]
about 5 dl cold water [2]
3/4 teaspoon of salt [to the stew] [2]
1/4 teaspoon ground caraway seed

Method to make it
In a medium-sized pot warm the oil on low heat and saute the onion until it soft and translucent. Add the meat and sprinkle it with a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir it frequently and braise it until it pale white. Add the ground paprika and a sprinkle of water as well, because paprika can burn easily so stir it continuosly! Then add the tomato, the yellow bell pepper, the pressed garlic, the ground caraway seed, the salt and the water. Stir it a little. Don't put the lid on and cook the stew on low heat about 50 minutes or till the meat is tender enough. It can be a little bit overcooked due to this time this will be the pancake filling

[2] Traditionally this Pörkölt recipe requires only about 3 dl water, lesser salt and 1 tablespoon paprika, but in this case the sauce of the Pörkölt will be the sauce of the Hortobágy Pancakes.

Hortobágy Pancakes [family version]

After the stew is ready separate the meat+vegetables from the pot [only sauce remains in the pot] into a bowl with a slotted spoon. Then mix to smooth with the helping of an imersion blender. Set aside. 
Mix 1 tablespoons of tejföl/sour cream, 2 level tablespoons of flour and 3-4 tablespoons of Pörkölt sauce in a small bowl with a hand whisker. Need a smooth texture. Put the pot back to the stove on low heat and bring the sauce to boil again. Then with the hand whisker stir the soup; with your other hand pour this sour cream mixture into the sauce little by little, but stir it constantly! [This method is the 'habarás'.] At the end you need to get a smooth texture without clotty flour parts. Now... mine is always clotty of course, so after I whisk together the mixture and the sauce I just pour all in the immersion blender bowl and mix it to smooth[er]. If the minced meat is saltless to you then salt it to your taste and do the same with the sauce as well.
Finally fill the pancakes with the meat mince and roll up or shape a triangle like I do and put them on a plate. Pour some sauce onto the pancakes and a few drops of sour cream as well for decoration.
Instead of chicken breast use 35-40 dkg ground pork meat, but the rest of the ingredients and all the method is the same.
In restaurants they usually use pork meat, but I rearly eat pork so I usually make Hortobágyi from chicken. 

Shortly about Pörkölt
The dish got the name after a meat roasting method we use, the 'pörkölés', a special kind of roasting so the meat will have a unique taste. It is an ancient cooking method what our ancestors used as well. The dish - along with Goulash - was also a common food among herdsmen in the Hungarian Great Plain since the 17th century.

Enjoy it!/Jó étvágyat!

Yesterday was our biggest celebration, the St. Stephen's Day or the celebration of the Foundation of the Hungarian State [which was not on this very day of course, it's just symbolical]. From all the national holidays this is the only one I can be happy. The others are very sad commemorations about political executions, lost battles, lost freedom... etc. Our history was more or less tragic. We had some victorius battles but we've just got too many invaders and political pressures along the centuries. And that is that. But 20th August is about being proud of what we are after more than 1000 years and it's also the official jubilee of the canonization of our first king Stephen I.

I usually I spend this holiday at Budapest, where all the national museums are free to visit, there are gastronomic fairs, concerts [We have great rock opera to this occasion.], historic performances not to mention the big firework punctually at 9 p.m. But this year I just celebrated at home with my little Aquamarine but I just wanted to cook something delicious. I think this dish was the best choice for the day with a little "force" of course...
About the rock opera, if you want to watch it, here is with English subtitle. It was performed for the first time at Királydomb, Budapest on 20th August in 1983 [900th jubilee of Stephen's canonization]. It is about the enthronement of Stephen and the political problems of his early rulership, the founding of the state with the "helping" of the Roman Church, the executions of his pagan enemies and so on. Really good music and its lyrics is always current at every era [politically]: "Was, will be, above, but beneath, for all ages have a system, but his [the human] system yes. Feeble the man watches where may get it better away himself... Feeble the man onto everything capable for the comfort..."

Now, as once well said: "Vive the Hungarian Freedom and Nation!"
Cheers to the ancestors!
[The song is the main point, not the video. It mixed from a new folk style song by Zoltán Kodály and old soldier songs from the XIX. century where we had to fight for our freedom
against the Habsburg Monarchy ones and for all. We lost of course...]
 Our most well known folk song [even Freddy Mercury sang it once!]
 "I'm not free, I have locks on my hands and legs, fly bird fly..."
We lost our freedom many times along the centuries
so most of our folk song is about a freely flying little bird...

Monday 17 August 2015

It's Raining At Last!

~Yeee! It's more cooler ~Huh
Goth people on the streets again... Life is wonderful!

After about 40 degrees without any rain/or cloud for 4 weeks in a row the whole town just happy to be alive. I think we just experienced how it could be Africa in winter. At least the giraffes, lions, zebras and dromedaries in the zoo felt like home... 

The truly humane office building where I work reminded me of Dante's circles of Hell in the last couple of weeks
  • Basement offices - for them no need to be colder... or a fresh water dispenser [There is the tap, silly!]
  • First floor - not-soo-important, but rather-important-than-not people, there is more or less cool and each rooms have a water dispenser [3 persons/room]
  • Second floor - Important people/people of weight/The Big Guys, the newest air-conditioner model with mineral water dispenser in every rooms [1 important person/big shiny room]
  • Third Floor/Attic - The "Nobodies", where we are, no air-conditioner, no condition, no air at all... nice 34 degrees, one water dispenser for the whole floor with water you cannot drink because it always smells putrid [4 nobodies/"mouse hole"] Ahh Summer, I lav Ya!

Politics... ~Rffl...

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Saturday 15 August 2015

Veszprém "Catwalk" And A Movie Marathon

I could be the two-legged advertiser to H&M... from my socks to my hat my every clothes just from them. Four reasons: this is the only normal up-to-date clothier in Veszprém [I hate marketplace... Second hand clothes are almost as pricy as new ones and my size is too small, I never find anything. The other stores are just shit...], they recycle, not sell real fur things, more or less cheap and although it is a mainstream store I always find something darkish thing which I prefer more than the other stores's 90's pinky-flittered-glittered-ruffled clothes, about 15 cm long miniskirts or T-shirts with 'Super Yummy', 'Beware! Marriage on the way' or 'I will be a nun for fucking God sakes' titles which are very common here as humour... along with the egoistic male version the 'Porn King' titled - very manly - pink shirt... About the 90's styled clothes I meant as I wrote, not today fashion which inspired on the 90's, here are yet the 90's "in fashion" beside the 80's or mixing the two era without any sense of taste or logic... [taste/style isn't about money... it sounds boring but true] I'm not a fashionista or what neither an elegantly posh lady or anything at all and sometimes they refer me to a boy and sorry to say about my homeland but it's soo countryside... The only modern people here whom are also dressing from H&M.
But the best that the people of Veszprem just very confident in those clothes with freaky hairstyles - which is good of course they have self-confidence - but I just loved it when a "trendy" young 'of course wants to be a fashion designer' girl asked me this: -Oh your style is... ~Öööö interesting... Is this something from your mother's wardrobe? Sorry, but you look a little old fashioned. [She meant this comment on my hippy vest I bought this year at H&M, because everywhere at Budapest I see many 60's and 70's rock-styled clothes in stores... and I love this era, so this years fashion is for me.] But what will this little town say when I will have a real medieval armor I always wanted... ~Oyoyoy Veszprem will have a heart attack... Who said I'm old fashioned?! I'm just historically trendy! Haha

So I just bought a coat for autumn in H&M - and although I would need to save the money - I couldn't resist to leave this T-shirt/dress with wicked galactic Batman logo behind. I love Batman stories but I always hated the yellow in the logo but this is cool
So of course I wanted to hold a Batman movie marathon... [few of the American movies I can watch] I saw them quite a long time ago especially the Tim Burton ones. So yesterday evening I just dig out some of the DVD's and happily stared at the monitor in my new T-shirt [like a kid...]

Popcorn, crab chips and a little "force" were with me along the long afternoon/evening [Bunny got some too. No not the drink, she is only 5.]
I just loved Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy in 'Batman and Robin' [as almost every redhead characters in movies] and although she is an evil character - just because not everyone feels it necessary to save the often very ungrateful humans... - I'm a lot a like her except I don't want to harm anybody but I also a plant and any kind of animal lover, but honestly I can get easily angry when I hear about environmental tragedies because of human error, deforestations or any kind of animal abusings. Especially this last one I'm so sensitive on... So sadly I'm furious quite often...
Anyway this scene is just funny and perfect 
[Poison Ivy] I'm Nature's arm, her spirit, her will! ... Hell I'm Mother Nature!
Talking about redheads, when I first saw 'The Little Mermaid' in 1989, I just couldn't accept my own hair color anymore, I wanted to paint it red! But I must waited for 13 years... Parents sometimes... Quess how many years I waited for my first tattoo after this... so since my childhood I just love - almost - every redhead character, singer, actor... I told I can be a maniac on things...

Blue, the other dominant color is my second wish I want to try [I liked this far before this new fashion madness about extreme hair colors], but Veszprém isn't the place where you can easily wear anything which not pastel shade/baby pink/jogging suit or so 90's... I just a big enigma with my - obviously common among women - red hair. Anyway I remembered this scene from 'Batman Returns', the blue haired dancer
In my opinion the earlier Batman films were much more unique, surreal and creative. It is a fantasy story and I like it that way more. Liked the newer ones as well - although I really can't stand Christian Bale and his not-really-natural strange 'deep voice' [sorry...] - but the image of the movies reminds me of 'just another action film from the many'. I only see New York instead of the darkish Gotham. Ok maybe that was their point but I not liked it very much. But thats my opinion only.

Ok I will be honest I am not very fit nowadays, I "only" could watched four movies... After the two T. B. movies, Batman and Robin and Batman Begins I just aslept and later woke up because my bunny shoke the cage to wake me up to give her food... because it was far over midnight but the lights were on in the hall so she thought with her cute - but simple - mind that it's morning already to eat and play... It's good to be bunny!

Oh about the batty style I bought this cute purse last Halloween. Where...? You don't need to aaask...

[Soo Dear H&M! Could I get some bonus for the advertisings therefore you couldn't offer me a job... Twice!]

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Friday 14 August 2015

Magical Hand

I don't know why she is doing this all the time I play with her, maybe my hand has some magnetic power over her! Or she just worships the hand which gives her yummy food everyday. I'm so naive... I thought that she just loves me that much by my hand which gives her the care ~Oh buu
Good Day!/Szép napot! *sniff sniff*

Friday 7 August 2015

Personality Type Test Results or Letters are matter

I was always concerned about my own personality psychologically. To know/to accept others you need to know/to accept yourself first... I really try but it's not easy at all.
One of my bad habit is to analyze, criticise and judge the people [and myself as well]. In a bigger crowd - if I need to go in some place - I just like standing by the wall or somewhere hiding and watch the people [not peeping...] and analyzing their behavior/way of thinking. I'm like a bad granny often just grumping... Maybe because I more or less alone or among people whom cannot understand me at all and in a life like this a person can start to believe that he/she is all alone in this world with his/her own unique point of view and there is noone who can understand this... ~Nee, He/She is just being among the "wrong" people... My story is the same old boring disc now I know. Not long ago I just swam in my big and melancholic ego that I'm the only one in this planet who see this and think/feel that... But honestly I'm very complicated for myself too. Sometimes I want to be more social but I can't, I can't talking with anybody anytime freely, I can be cheerfully social but only for animals, I must be prepared for every possible future happenings which is impossible of course that is why they call it 'future', I hate sudden changes in my life but hate boring everyday routines too, I like planning and always need a "let-out", I never go just somewhere I always go out with - a very certain - reason or I just stay at home, I usually take notes about an event or a day what I want/need to do, I don't want to care the world but I want "world-peace" but I also hate humanity because distroys everything on Earth [iconic animals just extinct slowly one by one...], I gladly teach the people or give them healing words but I also can be an antisocial instant-people-judger and a grumping-on-everything-which-related-to-humans persona who always wants to be alone... but I think the world is fascinating with the nature and animals and I only hate some specific people [whom are sadly far too much in this planet] but the point is that I'm always among people who totally the opposite of my opinions/ideas/thoughts/approaches/point of views. But the best part is that they always try to convince me with their boring, grey and higly typical/or stupid wisenesses, because I'm more or less diplomatically polite and they think I'm indecisive but minimum silly... That is the point when I open my mouth and edgily tell them my fat point of you about the current topic and then they just shut up and blink. Maybe they don't understand me or totally not undestand what I'm trying to say or they just simply surprised that I HAVE definite answer and brain... Sorry but I just can be this rude instead to leave them to despise me for hours... In this little town not difficult at all being unique when almost everyone think the same without individuality... but this was the same with me at Budapest also. So small town or big city I always find myself in the wrong community [this problem is not about my few but close friends of course]. 
And then - thanks that I'm often on the net - I just found many comraids from many countries in one day whom face the same problems on pretty much the same way like me... I really like being alone but I'm also glad that I'm not alone at all in the world. My ego just can ease down a little...

Although I'm interested in psychology - and laugh if you want - but I never heard about the Myer-Briggs 16 personality types. I know Carl Jung's dream theories but I never read his other publications like the 'Psychological Types' which was the main idea for Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers to create the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI]. Only a couple of days ago - while I was just surfing on Bored Panda - found a comic strips about being an INFJ* and its everyday difficulties in social life, illustrated on a very direct and humorous way. I never heard about these personality type things really but these comic strips could be about my life also. I searched on Google how can I find out "What I am?" or "Where is my place among humans?" [if I have one...].

Depending on the various Hungarian translated but official MBTI tests my results are these:
According on the
4 questions test I'm an INFP
20 questions test I'm an INTJ
72 questions test I'm an INFJ
88 questions test I'm an ISTJ [about being at the workplace... I'm totally not my real self there sadly...]
94 questions test I'm an INTJ test I'm an INTJ - T test I'm an INTJ
and according on 44 questions test I can be INTJ as well as INFJ

The two last letters can change by tests. Maybe due to my ecclectic personality and the tricky test questions. Finally I found myself as an INTJ more often [=Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging]. I think I more of a cool-headed thinker than an emotionally influenced person and although I can be hypersensitive sometimes, usually I just overthink/overcomplicate everything that is why I more an INTJ then an INFJ. Maybe I'm halfway to INFJ-s, because I more like an eccentric weirdo who living in the own epic movie than a general scientist...
But what fixed at every results is that I'm 100% an introvert. ~Hmm Quelle surprise... says "INTJ is the third rarest type in the population, and the rarest type among women." [Should I just be proud of?! Haha]
INTJs make up
2% of the general population
3% of men
1% of women
Among famous INTJ-s there are Isaac Asimov, Ulysses S. Grant, Augustus Caesar, Lise Meitner, Lewis Carroll, Nietzsche, Martin Luther, Sir Isaac Newton, my big star Stephen Hawking, Jane Austen, Jay-Z, Philip K. Dick, C. S. Lewis, Hannibal, Plato, Lenin [nice...] and among fictional characters there are Sauron, Saruman, Elrond, Voldemort, Palpatine, Mr Darcy [What is he doing among old coots?!], Draco Malfoy, Ciel Phantomhive, Sherlock Holmes [especially in the Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock], Professor Moriarty, Maleficent, Ellen Ripley, Michael Corleone and the other Hannibal... One or two are a little bit freaking me out and I'm just glad that Hitler was not on the real-life-people list [but on INFJ's]. Although I like horror movies I never saw the Hannibal series neither the Godfather because these are too much for my really sensitive soul although for an INTJ I should feel quite the opposite... or that is why I'm not clearly an INTJ but closer to INFJ?! Or INTJ-s can be hypersensitive also? I think I just confused from myself... or the letters... or I don't know yet... What was the question?
Some INFJ fict. characters I could relate to are Rapunzel [not because of my almost 80 cms long hair...], Sonmi-451 aaand... Dumbo! I was born with big and projecting ears so I truly understand him... Now my ears are fine due to a plastic surgery but one of my childhood trauma was the same as Dumbo's. And they called me Dumbo as well...
Anyhow, thanks to this illustrator and his cute drawings I got closer to know myself a little more and knowing how my surrounding could sense/see me and the fact that I'm definitely not alone with my problems in social situations and my life is not a useless one just because I like dreaming or brainstorming [even for hours]. »»««

If you are curious about which personality type are you these are the most complex tests in English

Soooo out of curiosity I just filled out a test about 'Are you a social or a sociopath person?'.
Yep, as I thought, I'm a sociopath. But better than being a psychopath isn't it? *nervous titter and 'Psycho' main theme*

Good Day!/Szép napot!

*INFJ type=Introversion [I], Intuition [N], Feeling [F], Judging [J]