Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Sound Of Veszprém

~Ahh finally two peacefully, chilling weeks wait for me… 
Not only because my French cousin is here with her lovely family and we go somewhere almost everyday [after work only…] to eat and have fun, but because my jerk boss is on holiday!!!!! ~Yeehaww Don't misunderstand me, I'm grateful that I have a job, I'm helpful and polite in the office, I'm grateful that my boss is somewhat nice to me and he is not a satyr harassing type either, not like one of my colleague, a 60 years old coot… not to mention the "Casanova" in the next room [whom every young female worker avoid…] but they surprisingly don't like me, oh why? Maybe they feel my anger towards them, although I politely can send away a perpert into hell and not on a loud way, I hate scandal... but that doesn't mean boss is alright too... On last Friday I was there I kick him out to the roof among the pigeons, hear them his chauvinistic, homophobic and insulting jokes and stories about baby poo, because not long ago his son has born so every day is another happy baby poo story…. NO MORE BABY POO STORY PLEASE!! Not only average people there hey, I don't want to hear about babies, especially about their end products… His other favourite anecdotes and jokes about debasing women [but having a caring wife is enough confortable, eh? Hypocrite jerk…], mocking and parodising gay people [He is a bigoted catholic one above all you know...] and finally "nice" personal, insulting jokes to anyone who is not him. Except me, because he somehow feels that I would be a bad target [if he doesn't want a sudden and painful death…]. I was mocked too many times in my life to tolerate a countryside boor even if he is my boss. So he leave me alone most of the times [Let's say if he forget about himself I remind him… then he surprisingly shut it. ??? I'm too polite...], but because my desk is near to his, I must endure to hear his talking and talking and talking for 8 hours long… They say women talk much..? bah… my experienceis far the opposite… So I'm very happy that there is a little quiet in the office... 
Maybe if my salary wouldn't be this very very not much, I could be more tolerant... but in this city there aren't much jobs to jump in or out from one to another... and for being a nail technician I have much to learn yet. So I must bear the baby poo... I MUST

Sorry for my grumpy grandma intro again, but this is refreshing sometimes writing out what annoys me on the weekdays before I'm going mad once for real. And this is my blog so probably I write what I want and whom I want… and because he doesn't know about my blog and don’t understand English either I have no fear…

So Street Music Festival!! What the title is about.
The coolest and only normal festival in my city. If someone missed what it is about read my last year's posts here and here. Street musicians, outlander bands, beginner bands, amateurs play on our streets for four days. Among the beginner Hungarian bands the jury draws 500.000 Ft on the last day. The audience vote. This started last Wednesday and ended on Saturday.

I didn't know any musician from this time too, but who cares, I will find my besties anyhow, just keep listening…
I love music [without my Shuffle I don't like to go anywhere...] and I'm pretty much into many kind of styles, so I always find something enjoyment to my ears on these days. From folk metal to world groove, from grunge to swing, from alternative to Visual kei, from EBM to hair metal, from Asian jazz bossa-nova to horror-punk, from darkwave to occult rock, from early music to Baroque, from blues rock to industrial, from 60's beat to 70's rock hits, from pagan rock to opera, from Goth metal to psychedelic, from oldskool rave to space ambient, from Hildegard of Bingen to Alice Cooper, from neo-classical to black metal, from chill out to medieval rock and so on, play me anything I will enjoy it! Even from reggae, country, rap, hip-hop and r&b there are songs or artists I like, especially like the Japanese r&b hip-hop. So unique. But there are styles what I hate to hear of course, such as the chansons, musicals [except Webber who is great] and mainstream pop like Lady Guguugagaa [baby talk] and every Britney-like pop chicks and hens… I liked Madonna once, but with the 'Music' album she ruined everything. Her later works are simply shits to me not to mention her… [I think the one and only pop girl I like to listen is Lana del Rey, she has such a deep voice, I love it.] But what REALLY gives me absolute headache is a fashionista licky-lucky boy band or an indie or hipster [or what is it now with those 19th century beards and brush hair…] and the Asian boy bands of course who are look total trendy and whatever is their age, they are look like teenagers… [probably from the many face-operation what is a fucking unnecessarything, they are beautiful as they born…], they have voice but they sing shits instead of hits… You know how I love Asian cultures, but that idol scene is creeps me out completely. Especially the K-pop…

But back to the streets of Veszprém, I made my top 5 performancers list again as last year.

5. Fák Alatt Zenekar [means: Under The Trees Band]

They played alternative-folk mixed with gypsy and typical Hungarian sounds what a violin can do.

4. A freshly-started Hungarian rap/soul band, Revo.Project. Beside their own songs they played classic hip-hop and r&b songs of the 90's. Best was "No diggity" from Blackstreet.

3. My favourite couple was there again! Just like last year, 50's, 60's, R.E.M. and others on saxophone and a guitar… This time I found out that the girl name is Sári, because there were her friends among the audience. So go Sári and your nice man.. or brother.. or cousin or whoever he might be!

2. A Uk gypsy/blues/rock band, The Urban Voodoo Machine!
Those guys are truly knew what the Hungarian audience wanted:"Dancing in the Street"

Total abstract people, especially the drummer with that zombie make up or what… Hahaha
And how they played it reminded me of the alley cats from the Disney classic, The Aristocats… They sounded just like the cat band Hahaha I love that cartoon

1. aaaaand this year's top on my list *drumbeats* is The Trouble Notes from Berlin! Yeeeey! *thunderous applause*
Three crazy guys with three instruments… and they didn't do tricks, they had no costumes, trendy dandy looks, long and boring speaks whatevers.. They just played…

That violin sounded like heaven…
After only their first song I went to their manager [or who was she] to buy their album…

I watched them four times… I was even dancing once!!! Me!! In public!! Well thankfully it was dark when they played… Hahhahaha

For dinner I ate the same all four nights…

There were the Food Truck Show again. I searched and I searched when I finally found them! The Meat&Sauce Sandwich truck!!!!!!! ~Wohoo
That little girl had to pee or what...

They have a shop as well on Budapest under 34 Nagymező street, if you want to try it one day.

Well, although I more prefer vegetable dishes with few meat, this sandwich truck is one of my fave. If you are a big meat-eater I tell ya don't underestimate sandwiches again before ever tried their's. These are really meat and sauce in a thin ciabatta. And their fried potatoes are also delicious.

Have you ever eaten a sandwich what tastes like Christmas? I'm no kidding [this time…]
Try their chicken sandwich. There are cinnamon and cardamom beside others in its sauce and it's really tastes like a Christmas cookie, except for the fact that you are eating chicken in bun… [and they say sometimes I sounds like a dadaist poem… ~Bah] Shortly chicken in delicious curry sauce…

I love sandwiches. After Duran's mini open-faced sandwiches this Meet&S is the second best sandwich bar on my list. The third is Subway. Their Teriyaki chicken sandwich is mmmm…
Ok I think with this mania I'm slowly starting to resemble to someone…
YES Joey, noone dare to sniff MY Christmas sandwich either!

Some pics and vids about the four wonderful days

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Friday 22 July 2016

Night of Museums Journal Part 2

I think I finished the first part at dinner time… if not, I don't care I will carry on from here Haha

This is a Hungarian franchise fast food restaurant specialized to Mexican dishes. Such as at Subway Sandwich you can choose among meats, vegetables and sauces. As I know there are only three restaurant yet. I was in the one under 25 Teréz Boulevard [in the VI. district, near Oktogon].

Tortilla Soup With Vegetables

Beef quesadillas

Friducha above my table 

What more can I say…
"¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw!" – Speedy Gonzales [1955-] 

You think I was full? Naive… I screamed for a dessert… so I went for an ice-cream shop.
Because I'm lactose intolerant I usually buy lactose-free ice creams in the supermarket, but that is not as good as they make in a shop of course. I'm planning to buy an ice cream machine, not a bad thing. So I eat real ice cream about once or twice a year in a shop. But when I'm on Budapest all my food-allergies can die, I eat what I want, even if I will be sick after it… Don't try to understand it. It's a crazy Hungarian thing. We and food… 

So there is my fave ice cream shop, Levendula [lavender] Handcrafted Ice Cream under 6 Vámház boulevard. 
[Photo from budapest.varosom.hu]

Although I think their ice creams are more like gelato. All are creamy but not fatty at all. Every ice cream made from grape sugar. No additives and artificial colorings of course. They use only fine ingredients like they buy prime pistachio straight from Sicily, everything from outland except the lavender of course. 
Hungarian lavender is quite popular outland, such as our chamomile. The taste and quality of these plants are somewhat unique because of the quality of the Hungarian soil. Just like the paprika, what was simple chili pepper when it arrived to Hungary in the 16th century. The Center-Eastern European soil and weather influenced that the paprika had a unique taste, what is not the same taste now as the common Mexican chili. So as well the common lavender arrived to Hungary in the 18th century and has high and unique quality now [but of course not as high as French lavender]. And we also have famous lavender fields, around Tihany and Pannonhalma.

The funny thing is that I'm allergic to lavender as flower, but in ice cream I didn't had any allergy reaction. So I bravely ate four spoons… Heavenly tastes! There are ice cream variations for the lactose intolerant customers as well. But I just chose what I want this time...
Spiced chocolate [cardamom, cinnamon, cloves], Basil lemon, Strawberry ginger
and Lavender [under all] 

Last station, Castle again. 

Houdini House. I was really curious…
Today this whole magician/illusionist/escape artist business is quite big. I mean I heard about Houdini before but we had David Copperfield in my teenhood, so he was the only illusionist I knew really. Now there are too many… and their names mean to me nothing, except that Chris Angel guy, because he is the best friend of my favourite musician - and imaginary boyfriend -, Celldweller... But I watched some of his tv shows and well I not enjoyed his shows much… I mean he is talented or what, but I just don't know. And those stooges around him are annoying to me… But that's just me. The only trick I don't understand is that body-cutting-in-half thing. Ok the upper half is someone without legs [poor thing] and the other part is a contortionist, but how can the contortionist does that we only see the legs… and when the guy got the woman's leg… Stupid questions? Or just simple camera editing trick? Oh nevermind…

So when I searched among the museums I found the Houdini House. What? What's that American escape artist or what got to do with Budapest? Now we have museums about anybody? No… It's my shame… Because I never read or watch about Houdini really, so the fact that he was Hungarian-born avoided me. Now if I hear something new what interests me I'm starting a big research about the current topic. So I watched all his movies I found on YouTube and elsewhere, documentaries and tv series about him under a weekend… The funny thing about the Adrian Brody tv documentary version, that his mother is Hungarian-born. Hehehe I didn't know this too… Tony Curtis [Antal Kertész, kertész=gardener] also portrayed Houdini in 1959, but about him I knew that his parents were Hungarian-born.

So this little memoire house is in the Castle, what only opened in this June. The famous contemporary Hungarian escape artist, David Merlini??? [I never heard of him] established this museum. Don't imagine a big show-like place. This is a small but cosy museum, what commemorate the artist and man. We Hungarians more prefer a homely place rather always the flic-flac shows. I think this little house was more memorable to me like any American Houdini Museum would be. If you are interested in his Hungarian background go to this site. There is a Hungarian research group what specialized to Houdini's life. It's interesting if someone into this Houdini topic.

I heared that he learned the locksmithery what he loved and later instead of just playing with locks, on one day he found out a better occupation with a lock and a straight jacket... the rest is history. So he was a good person as I heared, if he wouldn't be a good person, instead of being a world-famous escape artist he would be a world-famous and uncatchable burglar artist, eh? Oh he was such a loser... Hahaha [just kidding]

But what is sure, if you are interested in this private museum, you visit on any day but this museum festival. I wait in a huge row for almost an hour to get in… I almost gave up wainting because where there are too many people in a small place, there is altercation sooner or later… there was almost fist fight among some tourists… well, yes, this program has some discommodities. Not like the big museums, where you can go in easily without jerk people annoy you...

Budapest History Museum'Krakow and Buda in the Middle Ages' exhibition.
I expected more than just documents and papers. Who can read that much things on an exhibition. I expected more paintings, drawings, videos, sculptures whatevers. Because the title was promising to me...
Poland and Hungary have a long history and friendship since about 900 A.D. till today. In the Middle Ages Buda and Krakow were important cities in Europe, just as important as Milan, Rome or Nurnberg. Under Anjou-rulership [in Hungary] the two country established the Hungarian-Polish personal union.

Just as a matter of curiosity…
According on legends Veszprém, my city, got its name after a Polish Prince, Bezprym [986/987–1032]. Géza Grand Prince's [who was the father of our first king Stephen I] daughter, Judit married to Bolesław I [the Brave] of Poland and they had a son, Bezprym. But because of Géza's peace-politics Bolesław couldn't fight against the enemies alone with his army without any Hungarian deffensive alliance, so out of anger he chased away his Hungarian wife and his son. Bezprym fled to Hungary and got a land in the upper Balaton region from King Stephen. Then Bezprym chased away his Polish wife and married a Hungarian girl just to annoy his father…
But it's only a legend. According on the period documents our castle town already had a name, what originated from a slavish word 'bezprem', what means rolling countryside or erratic [landscape]. Indeed, Veszprém was built on 7 hills! And because of this this city is always windy, ALWAYS. You don't need to go to a hairdresser… what for… the wind ruins everything… surely when it's almost 45°C outside there is no wind, no air, zero oxygen, nothing, no-no, a-ah… Damn you wind! 

Back into the National Gallery I visited the 'Hungarian Gothic altarpieces and sculptures from the 14-16th century' gallery [permanent exhibition].
Did I mention I love Gothic era? What a surprise, eh?...

This collection is significant to us. Why?
A short quotation from Gyöngyi Török, art historian's essay:
"Painting from the age of Árpád Dynasty [11th -13th century] is preserved in church frescoes and manuscript illuminations. In the Romanesque era, sculpture was closely related to architecture. The earliest known wood sculptures from the territory of medieval Hungary date from the 13th century, but there are comparatively few extant relics from that period and the material surviving from the later Middle Ages is also highly fragmentary. It must be borne in mind that the adverse historical circumstances, the Ottoman occupation, Protestant iconoclasm, and later the change in tastes against what was medieval resulted in the destruction of many of our old pictures and statues. Although the written sources preserve the memory of thriving artistic activity all over the country, it is not coincidental that the majority of our 14th-16th century remains survived in the peripheral areas of the Kingdom of Hungary, which were least effected by fighting: Upper Northern Hungary and Transylvania."
"The National Gallery took over the Old Hungarian Collection from the Museum of Fine Arts in 1973, allowing for the joint presentation of ancient and modern Hungarian art within a single museum."

These works are beautiful, especially the altarpieces with the much decoration plus the carved wooden frame, but don't look kitchy at all. But they knew how to use gold that's for sure. I loved these works. And had that unique scent in the long room… ~Ahh the smell of the Middle-ages… and the blood here and there... Well, some of the works are very naturalistic indeed, what I appreciated more than the average idealized ones...

Finally I took a walk among the Hungarian modernists also in the National Gallery. I didn't know half of the gallery, but after Picasso I gave them a chance.

Well, I finished the day there.

If someone interested only in our national museums, the National Gallery, National Museum, Ethnographic Museum or the Budapest History Museum, just need to wait for a national celebration day such as 15 March, 20 August or 23 Oktober when all the national museums are free to visit.
Good Day!/Szép napot!