Sunday 27 March 2016

Hungarian Easter: The Saturday Dinner And Symbols

The today known Easter celebrated since the III. century, in Hungary we celebrate since the XI. century, punctually since 1092, about 30 years after the death of our first king Stephen I. 
Although the Church and the religious people gave Christian meanings to almost every Easter symbols, most of them came from ancient pagan cultures anyway, because the celebration of the beginning of Spring [celebrating Spring equinox] is more ancient than Christianity. The following Sunday after the first full moon after Spring equinox was the celebration of Ostara, goddess of the Spring in the ancient German culture. The name 'Easter' also came from the German word 'Ostern' after the Goddess Ostara/Ostra.
She was the goddess of fertility, always imaged with Spring flowers, tendrils, eggs in her hand, bunnies at her feet, birds around her and floral tribute on her head. She symbolized the revival of nature and men.

We call this holiday Húsvét. The word 'húsvét' is a mosaic-word and has liturgical meaning only.
In the Hungarian folklore too the main symbols are the egg and the bunnies. Beside these there are baby chicks and the barka/gosling. We still decorate our Easter table with gosling and painted eggs, well leastwise the tradition keepers.

The egg 
The most ancient symbol of fertility. It symbolizes the mother womb or the universe, the mystery of lifeless become living. The main symbol of Easter. Long tradition is to paint and decorate eggs. The most popular is the red egg. The red as color is also a magical symbol. They believed the red is some protecting color. Someones believed it symbolizes Christ's blood or like the red egg Christ's heart [in cubist form... Hahaha Sorry.].

The egg painting as tradition remained in Eastern-Europe firstly. It's a very common tradition still today. I painted eggs too when I was a kid. I loved it. I don't make nowadays because we have some folk eggs for the occasion to decorate with. We bought them in Tihany, where old ladies in folk dresses make the most beautiful ones.
In Hungary every ethnical group has its own egg decoration technic and pattern.
The most popular one is drawing the pattern with candle wax on the egg, then paint the egg with color you want and the wax drawing just appear. This technic is called tojásírás/eggwriting [above, the last green one]. The fully decorated egg called hímestojás [above, the first one for example]. 

In the old times they used various vegetables or herbs to get paint. They cooked the herbs or vegetables till they let out all their colors, then cooked the egg in that painted water till the egg became the current colored:
Beetroot - Reddish purple
Red onion-skin - Purple
Onion-skin – Reddish brown
Coffee bean – Deep brown
Black tea – Deep brown
Red cabbage – Blue
Turmeric – Yellow
Orange and lemon – Light yellow
Rosehip – Pink
Spinach – Green
Ground paprikaOrange

After Winter the first eggs meant the coming of Spring, so probably that was the reason to decorate eggs out of happyness.
They also used eggs to perdict the future. They poured an egg in a glass full of water on Good Friday and the figure shown the next year's crops. [I can't imagine how they could see something else than a strange surreal blob in a water…] Girls put the egg-shells onto the doorstep to dream that night what will be their future husbands
' occupation [another mystery…].

The bunny wo brings painted eggs is a more complicated symbol and absolute has nothing to do with Christianity. Bunnies always symbolized fertility. Since they are nocturnal animals, they often refer them with the moon, which is also the symbol of fertility, not to mention the strange rabbit figure on the surface of the moon.
The connection between the rabbit and the egg is origined from the German mythology. Goddess Ostara has a magical bird once, who layed colored eggs. One day the goddess out of anger/or in other stories to amuse the children she turned the bird into rabbit... So the big secret revealed!

The barka/gosling [but not that odd Ryan guy…]
It has many names. Some cultures call it kitty-cat because of the fluffy round crops. We call it leányfűz/maiden-willows or pálmafűz/palm-willows or simply gosling-tree.
In the old times people ascribed to the gosling healing power. If they spread that into the family fireplace they believed that would protect the house from troubles and grief. Or they used to eat it as medicine against sore throat.

In Christianity it connects to Palm Sunday [When Jesus arrived into Jerusalem the people greeted him with palm-branches.]. But instead of palm [due to we haven't any here.. Haha], Hungarians replaced it with gosling as the symbol of the first crops of the early Spring.


As I wrote about the traditional Hungarian Christmas dinner table, our Easter dinner table is the same, we have particular dishes to this occasion as well.
The two most basic foods are the Húsvéti sonka/Easter ham, which is a special marinated, smoked whole pork leg and the Fonott kalács/Twisted bun, which is a kind of sweet bread. Twisted bun is very common, so you can buy it through the year. I love it either with marmalade or as sandwich with butter and salami...

The beliefs of Easter ham are rather magical than sacralic, but despite this the most significant Easter food for a very long time. Always was the main dish among agricultural people along the centuries...

The Eastern basket
This used to be a popular tradition in the countyside.
They put every symbolic Easter foods tastily in a big basket and after the Easter mass the priest blessed it. Then the family went home and ate the blessed Easter meal together. You can see some beautiful hand-embroidered tablecloths in the Ethnographic Museum at Budapest.
They used those tablecloths to cover the baskets. 
The content of the baskets were variant by ethnical regions and groups, but the ham, egg and twisted bun were usually there.
It was a habit to hang the blessed ham onto a fruit tree, to bring them good crops and fruits, and they fed the hens with leftover breadcrumbs to lay much eggs.


My dad used to buy Easter ham, but since he passed we don
't buy, because we are not very into porky things [except bacon...]. I don't know how it made. But they usually eat the ham with horseradish cream/or the Hungarian version is more like some kind of chutney.
I never make Twisted bun neither, I buy it. Next to our house there is a very good bakery, they never use additives or other s
hy things and their buns are very tasty, I wouldn't make better at home. 
Beside these usually there are boiled eggs, pogácsas and various fresh vegetables on the tables, such as radish, horseradish, yellow pepper, leek, red onion, spring onion.. etc.
Some modern Easter dishes are Stuffed egg [with sausage, boiled egg yolk and herbs or with ham and horseradish], Carrot cake, Cottage cheese cake, Bear leek and ham filled sweet bun/bread, Ham broth, Lamb pörkölt… etc.

Sadly or not we broke the tradition too.
Our Easter dinner is usually homemade duck liver pate with radish, apple, mango chutney, baguette and fresh corn salad.
Happy Easter!/Kellemes Húsvétot!

Saturday 26 March 2016

Aqua's Movie Review Or The Bunny Post

This time Aqua wants to write some things for you. Easter is her big time [like Halloween to me] and she wants to refer you some films for the weekend.
Please respect that pushing the keyboard with paws is a very complicated operation and her spelling way isn't so perfect as well especially in English. But despite these I think you can understand her. Now I go to the kitchen, I make my favourite liver pate for the Easter dinner…

-Aqua! The laptop is yours, c'mon sweety they are waiting for you!

*exiting snuffles and sniffles*

-Well helo everryone! I can havve the word at last… I luve my mommy but she never let me wrrting becose she always 'as better thing to write, she thinks… yeah, as if…
Now its the first tim e you really 'ear from me so I inntroduce myself properly.
Myy real name iss Aquamarine Anthea… Yeah very posh indeed. Acccording to mmoma Aquamarine is some moving picture title abot a fish-lady or lady-fish, and Anthea is a murmurrel murderer in a book by some Crispy or Criszty, wait I remember.. Christie!
Im 6 yearrs old now, but I never felt myself yunger! My 'obbies are muncching, pooping, munching my poop, attacking carton boards and annoying my momma, who is luve me but soometimes she forgets that my dîner is punctually at 8:00p.m NOT 8:01p.m! 'ow many evenings spend with scraping the clozet [where she keeps MY food…] to remind 'er that my dîner is a TINY bit late… At least I have the patience… *sneezes*
Im a Southeast-French breed so my real 'omeland is the Frrench Riviera, what i never saw, but I don't mind, im 'appy 'ere more. My real parents were some stuck-up prized ones but I was borred among them, they were too busy to keep themselves beautifu and clean for the necxt prize, I like being messy and my sisterz were annoying and sztupid too. All I want ed to get away from there but I didn't know 'ow or whhere… Then 2 1 day this strange auntie came and when I saw 'er I knew what I want. I wanted to be with 'err so I played the cute as I just could from the botttom of my 'eart. I won, she fell for my trick in a minute! ~Piuu.. 'umans soo eazy… Look at the foto picturess she made abot me. Iam perrfectly cute, am I?!

Im notlike as my momma see me… yeah Im petit and fluffy but that doesn't mean Im silly tooo… She thinks myonly thoughts abot carrrots and confusings… Ha ha ho funny auntie… *sneezes 4 times* Believe or not but I sometimes thinkk abot those tiny yellow dots on the …what is she calls it… Sky! yeah so I like to medicate meditate – on my beautifu and confor-table red box [hummans call it litterbox…?] – what are they for [I mean those dottts not the box], whats the meaning of our life, what are the secret of the Uvers Unniers Univers and so onn. *sneezes 7 times* Sorrry my nose is very sensitive.
I luve Easster. Everything is niice and green outside /the other sidee of the window/, and there are more fluffy whites on the sky and birdiez, beees and nice-smelling flowwers... Usually, but not now! The weathher iss more like in late Fall… almost snowwing… ~Brrr.. but leastwise this home is nice and warm.

Now the list. I reccomend toyou some filmies to the 'olyday. I enjjoy animé-s abot my fellow animals more than 'uman movies. I leave those to my momma, although she doessn't very fond of 'er own kind… strange a woman I tell ya… 

Peter Rabbit & Friends – of course t'is is on my first place. Its 'uge, there is everything in it: adventure, nice felllows and 'andsome bunny boys… /(๑╹ᆺ╹)\ that Benjamin Bunny is really cute in that crocheted 'at! Mommy aways teases me thatt I fell in love wid a celebrity, but Ithink she just can shut the fluff up addmiring some singing male 'uman in 'er age… shame if you ask me... 

Vuk/The Little Fox – a classic animé in this country. This iss abot a littli fox. Although Im a bunny who iss a potential munchy onthe foxs' food list, I like foxes, maybe because my momma totally reminds me them but she luves me and cares for mee instead of intend to eat me… beside its only a movie, thankfully I never saw afox in real life. I more afraidd of dogs… 

Kissyfur – Various animals livving ina big forrest… My favourite is that snoring grumpy pig, 'e iz soo funny *laughs and snores* 

Vili a veréb/Vili the sparrow – anotther 'ungarian classic and personal favori to mommy. A naughty boyy who lives in the 'eart of Budapest and likes to pick on smalller animals like 'is cat or little sparrows. Then one day an old fairy comes and turn the boyy into a sparrow to punish 'im. Cute sparrow felllows and Budapest, what more else? [Sadly no Ennglish subtitle…]

Pom Poko – A famouss animé from the land called Japon, where my momma wants to go all the time… Seriously I start to be bored with it… I would cry out loud too that I WANT TO GO TO THE RIVIERA, I WANT TO SEE MY 'OMELAND! …..*cricket chirp*….. See? Noone gives a fluffy damn.
So this iz abot naughty racoons who like to scare the stupid 'umans who wants to take away their precious forressts. Go racoonies! 

The Busy World of Richard Scarry – Retro animé-s werre much better. I love thiss classic serie. Soo kute 

Ratatouille – This is cute too, that talented littli rat makes yummy thinks things in Paris - where I wasn't either. Momma was onnce, loong before I was born. She likes to cook tasty things too, maybe she also learned to cook from a rat. 

Frakk és a macskák/Frakk and the cats – A dog, two kitties and two old 'umans living int he suburb of Buda [Budapest] and annoying each other all the timme. Very old seriez but very funny at once. Sadly thiss is only in 'ungarian too but its funny anyway. 

Vacak, az erdő hőse/The Seventh Brother – this starts verry sadly. Someone throws away from a car a littli puppy at a forrest at Easter. Im afraid of dogs, but I feel sorry for this littli dog. Momma hates those 'umans who do dis, I think she just never could do dis to me… I 'ope. Although Im messy I eat all the vegetables and Im kute too!

Fantastic Mr. Fox – anoter foxy story whichh is funny not frightening.  

Noow I finish. My paws 'urt. 

I 'ope momma doessn't want to read what I wrote.. eszpecially what I wrote abot 'er…
I sink I just post without showwing 'er…

'oppy Eastter!!!! *sniff sniff*

Thursday 24 March 2016

Abstract Fox

I found myself again... that face is soo me when I'm painting... Hahaha [and sometimes my work is this odd too at the end...]
I don't know the artist but very cute comics on StupidFox. Leastwise this brought back my happy mood before Easter.

Good day!/Szép napot!

Sunday 20 March 2016


Happy first day of Spring with Spring's Spring! [although the weather is close to November...]

Next weekend is Easter!! The holiday of bunnies!! [for me leastwise...]

Friday 4 March 2016

Unpaid Holiday Day 4

I finished my Dune tote bag at last. Do you like it?
Giedi Prime
and the Kaitain
It's not a perfect work I know, but embroidery making with hand is not an easy job at all... I learned needleworking at the age of 8 and many years I just forgot it about. For about a couple of years ago I do embroideries again. I need more practice that's all.

...meanwhile in the Illustrator something wicked comes... (~’.’)~
Finally today's biggest joy, Luscious Orange Cake!
~Yeah I'm listening classic jazz right now... How did you find out?

Recipe from Beyond Kimchee - Her recipes are great!
I made it with rice flour, it works with it too, and I used brown sugar, that is why it's a little bit browner [Not burnt!! Haha] and instead of caster sugar I used birch sugar. Try it, it's more than delicious.

I would be a recipe advertiser more often, especially if I wouldn't eat the food before I would take a photo... I'm hopeless...

Good Day!/Szép napot!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Tortilla Day

It's a happy week. They renewed my contract, so I will have a job for another 1 year. In these times it's a miracle trust me... 

Now I'm between the old contract and the new one, so this whole week is mine, and although I'm on a unpaid holiday I'm happy to relax a little. I have nothing to do just to cook, to eat, doing my art and watching movies... 

Today I just held a little tortilla party to celebrate 
This time I made it with tofu instead of chicken, because on weekdays I don't eat meat. I don't want to be a vegetarian [I tried many times but I can't] it's just it's good to my health. 

Now what missing is some Mexican music and movie, Frida! 

Good Day/Szép napot!