Friday 13 November 2015

Relax, It's Just Friday the 13th

I just realized somewhen noon that this is Friday the 13th. 
I can be superstitious about somethings sometimes, but never cared about 13th. If I remember clearly never were an unlucky F13th for me... Maybe because I'm afraid of too many real things [phobias without number] and it would be too much for my nerves to afraid of something unreal as well, eh? I do not want to end in a nuthouse... and I think my whole week was not as good as today was. I quess it IS the mystery... Haha 

I tried to find something folk beliefs for F13th among Hungarian customs, but there are just as the same as in other cultures. Most of them are real nutcases... like the thing with the black cats in the Middle Ages... Seriously... I hate how many people put their stupid fears or hatred into a poor animal across the centuries, and this is not just about cats of course... Instead of resolving a problem with thinking [maybe that is why we have brain or what...], they just blamed [or sacrificed/killed] an animal for nothing... Typical. When I must went to the Bible class at the age of 16, my teachers just didn't understand why I hate the story about the pigs whom were possessed by the unclean spirit/Devil. Because that was just another tale about that human is the best again and those pigs/or animals are nothing but a bunch of trash beings anyway just as they are... [~Ok I know the real reason for the metaphor, that the pigs' lifestyle is not very tidy and they are smelly too, but c'mon look at the many alcoholic trashy people... the same...] So this was a stupid story for me. If an animal is more ungrateful/selfish/jealous/egoistic than a human, I eat my bunny here and now... [I don't!] Oh and Bible considered the bunnies as unclear beings too... ~Jeeez!

Talking about black cats, Veszprém has its own mysterious dark kitty...
In the mornings I like to take a walk to the office instead of taking a bus. I need the fresh air since I'm not doing any sport... I usually pass by the local esoteric shop too where I always see the same cute homeless black cat waiting for the shop to open. If its cold outside she just curl up and mew for someone to feed her... She is lucky, accidentally I always have something to give her...
Sometimes I go into the shop to buy some tea or a new pack of Tarot cards and the shop keeper is a refined/wily old lady whom totally look like an old witch... Maybe she is the cat too. That is her night-appearance or whatever. It wouldn't surprise me at all... Haha

As for me there is nothing better to my soul on a day like this than a cup of 'Felix Felicis'! What is actually an own custom tea blend of the previously mentioned esoteric shop and contains rooibos tea, colored candies, red-currant and raspberry. Its fantasy name is "Szerencsések itala/Potion of the lucky ones"... 

Gingers for a ginger... 
I've got these delicious ginger cookies from my childhood friend who recently came home from England. I missed her very much. I think I'm very lucky to have friends like she is too... She knows my taste well! Haha

Here is some good 'Thirteen' for this Friday 

Good Day!/Szép Napot!