Sunday 1 October 2017

Instagram! At long last…

Why do I enjoy giving names to my favourite objects? I don't know, but I really like it. Maybe this comes with my gender, as Mark Twain wrote in his book "The Diary of Adam and Eve":
"I get no chance to name anything myself. The new creature [Eve] names everything that comes along, before I can get in a protest." ~Oh poor Adam…

Yeah, well at least my objects know how I like/need them. We are one happy family. Here is the list about who is what:
Dante, my ebook reader [named after him] – he goes wherever I go
Hiroshi-kun, my Mp3 player [named after the medical mannequin in the Japanese anime "Yamato nadeshiko Shichi Henge/The Wallflower"]
Bellatrix, my laptop [Harry Potter. What else?!]
Bambi, my digital drawing tablet [because it's Wacom Bamboo… Bamboo=Bambi… πŸ˜„ …nevermind.]
Florance, my exercise bike [a character in the British crime series "Death in Paradise"]
Mulder, my portable DVD Player [Yeah, him.]
Migi, my 1st external HDD [an alien parasite in the Japanese comic "Parasite"]
Sailor Aluminum Siren, my 2nd external HDD [Sailor Mooooon! She is a villain, but I like that character.]
Sailor Ceres, my 3rd external HDD [another villain]
Morgiana, my 4th external HDD [the black cat in the Czechoslovak Gothic horror/drama film "Morgiana"]
Monique, my mobile phone [a character in "Daria"]
Octopi, my major pendrive [because the pendrive is an octopus]
Lyra, my other pendrive [the main character in Philip Pullman's book series "His Dark Materials"]
Mac, my waffle maker [mac=stomach πŸ˜‰; a character in the Japanese cult horror "Housu"]
Orange, my air-freshener pendrive [Guess.]
and finally, Anne, my acoustic guitar [after Anna Sui, the fashion designer]

One little friend has passed away recently, Poppy, my popcorn maker. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
R.I.P. dear Poppy, I miss your pops very much. It's hard to face the fact that I have to buy micro popcorn again… ~Yuck
BUT here is the newest member of the gang, Dodo [Orlando], my tablet computer!!! ~Joy to the World! 
 Photo by Nikki Purple … the camera.

The name not after that bird/actor/Virginia W. book, but a character in J. K. Rowling/Robert Galbraight's The Silkworm. πŸ˜ƒ

So due to I have fewer time to write here, join me on my Instagram for some photos… of my life… or something… This sounds odd. Because it's just me, not Somebody… Anyway, if you feel follow me 😊 @nimbostratus.vitae and the other @
I had to make two accounts at once when one of my disliked cousin found me on the "prophetissa" one… due to I registrated by Facebook. This was a mistake, but all my friends found me here so I keep this account. This "prophetissa" one will be the nice, everyday, cooking Viki profile [sunny pictures just as old friends, relatives and aunts with delicate heart like]. But the other account, that's the "nimbostratus", where I can satisfy my abstract, gothish, artsy, loony, spiritual, pagan self… where no relatives can find me to make stupid statements about my photos and leave stupid comments. At least I hope. Even this blog is a secret before them. Maybe I sound rude, but trust me, from the whole big, big family of mine there are only three or four person who is kind, funny and how to say, normal. The others are forgettable… [especially my Hello-Kitty-baby-pastel-lover-pink-and-love-everywhere-living-in-a-dreamworld aunt, who didn't come to his own brother's funeral, because she doesn't like[????] funerals... Who does??!!] Not to mention the old schoolmates whom I cannot remember clearly but we definitely weren't friends… My favourite is when one of the bully guy from my childhood found me on Facebook and sent me a smile as
"forget the past we are adults now". Whaat? Keep dreaming buddy! I'm like an elephant, I never forget! Never. …and if he is somewhat clever he changes his IP address and identity and moves to another country or continent… No. Better if he leaves the Earth immediately before I explode… It's late! BAMMM!
I think I hate Facebook more and more because of these situations. Sadly it's a require at some jobs to have an account [To monitor you or to check you're not an alien, a cat or a psychopath?]. But I deleted all my photos there, because some people just couldn't stop annoying me with such comments:
-Oh little Viki why are you wearing these odd black clothes? Not very fashionable. [What's with that
"little" word all the times? I'm more than thirty! Fuck.]
-Oh Viki just one dear smile please! [If I want I smile, if not, that's because of you…]
-Oh Viki what is that horrible figure on your top? [Baphomet] I don't like it. [Who cares what you like dear Hello-Kitty-pinky auntie?! Btw I hate your Kitty!]
-Oh Vikus [I hate this nickname] why are you so serious on this picture? What's with that face? [posing and
fooling around in my dark clothes and make up just for FUN]
-Oh Vikike [Who???] I like your esoteric pendant [Own designed and made it from clay.] I make one too! [I will be thrilled if that will look the same… and anyway…???]

So, dear reader, if you are not one of my relatives follow me freely. If you are, then get out of here!

Happy Octobhrrrr >) 😸