Wednesday 7 December 2016

When The Dreams Come True... Literally

I consider myself a rational person, but I can't understand either how do dreams works sometimes…
can vividly remember to a current dream of mine from the start to the end even after weeks or months, instead of many people. I could write a book from that surreal stories. I even have returning dreams when I tell to myself [in my dream] what will happen next because everything is the same as x time ago when I dreamed this… I know it sounds lunatic a little, but this is about me so there is nothing surprising in it… Hahhaha
Sometimes I write a song in my dreams, a complete song and I even sing it in the dream, then I wake up and I remember everything except the tune… pity.

About the mystery of the dreams, I also have some stories:
Somewhen in 2000 one of my friend just dreamed one night that a particular guy from the class just lost his arms in an accident what happened before the school, then he had got new arms from plastic. That was all and she was not into horror movies nor anything weird. Then a couple of days later there was in the news that the first double arm transplant just went success, I don't remember where, in France perhaps and the patient was male [just like in the dream]. This freaked me out then, but later other friends told me their dream stories as well and about one month ago I've got mine. I dreamed that I had a child… now call me a jerk if you want but I consider this dreams as nightmares… so I hold the baby in my arms what later - when the scenes changed - turned into a little girl and I was… happy. That was all but enough for me. But on the next day! a long lost friend just called me that she is in the city again and wants to see me. I didn't see her such a long time. When we met I couldn't say a word. She was 5 month old pregnant. Then I asked her: Will it be a girl, right? … Yes! How did you know? … I don't know, ask my subconscious, it seems it knows more than me…
Or my female colleague [you know the antifeminist ladybug] told me that when she was young she
once dreamed about a little boy in striped shirt who is sitting on a strange desk. She forgot about this dream later of course. Then she had a husband and 10 years of tryings they had their son. When the little boy turned into 4 his grandmother bought him a blue striped shirt among others. Now the father had an odd desk in his workroom where the kid preferred to climbed up sometimes. So one day my collegaue just arrived home and found her son on the 'strange desk' and suddenly remembered to that dream from a long time ago…
Interesting, but these were positive examples. But when nightmares comes true…
A someone whom I knew on Budapest told me once that she dreamed her little niece's death by a sudden sickness and was horrible when one year later it just happened on the same way as she dreamed...
and why I really started writing this post today is that my mom called me before that she dreamed the Indonesian earthquake last night… that she was in Indonesia, although she never was there in real life but she saw the people, heard the people and suddenly the quake just started… Then in the morning she heard the tragedy in the news... Now that is what I call mystery. She is not interested in Asian culture, she rearly watches tv and she doesn't
think about earthquakes day by day either…

Poor people over there too. I feel sorry for them and of course for every country what suffers from
earthquakes [among others] from time to time.
In Hungary, if there is an earthquake somewhere usually are smaller than 2.5 magnitudes, so we can consider ourselves somewhat lucky. The biggest before the 20. century was about a magnitude 4.5 in 1763 and took about 60 lives. In and around Veszprém there was only one sensible earthquake in my life in 1985
a magnitude 4.9. It was a long time ago but I still remember how terrified my family was, except me of course who was only a couple of years old and thought the whole happening is a fun and according to my mom I laughed continuosly while the whole area just gathered on the streets in panic... Fortunately noone died or hurt seriously.

But these kind of dreams are unbelievable. Screw your predictable subconscious dear Freud! ...or maybe we women actually can sense the future. Another reason why men should listen to a woman's
remonstrance ;) but look at the history... or look what happened after noone listened to Cassandra either; a whole empire fell just because she regected Apollo's love so he cursed her that noone will ever believe her... ~Oh that stupid girl... Apollo, my dear! Spare me, I luv ya!

Good Day!/Szép napot!