Tuesday 23 June 2015

Art Class Memories

It's Tuesday so today I went to the local art house to chill out a bit. I have very busy weeks lately and there is no other way to relax, and art always switch off my brain completely.
I learned here about 12 years ago with my friends. We were practicing to our college and university entrance exams. A group of art yearning fools that is what we were. So I went back to my dearest art class to see what has changed. Nothing, except that nowadays students are very modest and silent. We were crazy. We dressed like we just escaped from an anime or a circus. Mismatching clothes, bizarre accessories, bright and violent colors we wore. I loved to wear some cherry patterned top, purple skirt, non-matching socks, kitchy religious ornaments for accessories and other sillyness with my flickering red hair. In short I was a real life Pippi Longstocking... Haha. Even local punks shook their heads behind us. We were chit-chatting, shouting all the time while we were just messing around with the pricy paints... Loud music, shriekings and big big mess were around us on every lesson. Poor teachers just leaved us to rage out ourselves with much much patience... I felt sorry for them. We were like a living hurricane sometimes...
We tried to find ourselves through art because in the real life at school we were very reserved and shy [especially me]. We were bored [besides I was depressed...] in this little grey town, not into pub tours, discos, empty street walkings, drugs and other typical teenage fun... We were unique and there were no one who understood us and no place we could be ourselves except in this art class. We tried out many technics to find our own style. That is why I love this class. You can do what you want, therefore there is no limit in creation.

Love the decoration of the rooms. There are old student works everywhere, so the place is look like some strange storage room. Students always are from 9 to 20 years old.

The real model of the left head was a very interesting person... He was around 40 and his name was Attila. He had a very characteristic face so he was the regular model of the art house. He hadn't got a real job many years back, but truly he was closer to a homeless for me. He was kind but we were not too friendly with him because beside he was kind he was strange too but we thought that he was just another lost artistic soul.
Then one evening when he wasn't there at all, a nurse came by and shouted a big: -Ok, Where is my patient? He didn't take his medicine for a couple of days. He could be in a serious mind state if he skips his medicine...
Jeez. We froze down completely... We never saw him again later. I just curious what happened to him.

Someones Bosch-style painting on the floor and one of my sassy paperdoll is posing for the camera
[Her name is Marie-Angelique by the way...]

Together Forever. Secret meeting with Samu in the back room
[He is soo shy. He can't stand camera at all.]

Samu is the name of every skeleton anatomical model in Hungary. Why? On 21 August in 1965 a group of archaeologists found on an excavation a cranial bone part among others at Vértesszőlős. This was the first most ancient archaeological find of a prehistoric man in Hungary. ["He" lived here around 350.000 years ago.] And because this precious day fell on the name of 'Samuel', these creative archaeologists named the cranial bone to 'Samu'. Since then every new generation calls their school anatomical model 'Samu' also. It's evident after a little part of bone. Another strange Hungarian custom if you ask me.

I like this car-seat sofa in the hall. And my other creepy paperdolls are posing at the front. They are just as naughty as they look like
[Yes! They have a name also: VictorVictoria - One of my friend call me on this name for a long time. I just realized it later that it is a movie title too... sorry Julie! Oh and Victor and Victoria were the names of the main characters in Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. Where else?]

I really hate drawing cubes and boring settings. After almost 9 hours of empty data uploading I need some brainchilling sillyness, so I just did this today
Your question is relevant. What the heck is this? 
My teacher called it 'Octo-Jesus'. Haha Maybe there is no other sensible word for this. When I'm tired or anxious about something I just like to doodle my creepy octopus-like figures. They gives me vigor. I just call it: therapy. Haha 
Beside better than sedative...

I'm strange but I'm proud of it.

Monday 22 June 2015

Thing has arrived

I needed to buy some things for my nail technician homeworks. Among others I bought this nice anatomical plastic hand.

Normally I should practice on it...
But for me itꞌs just another toy
  [I always felt myself closer to Cousin Itt than any other boy in town.]

There is always some beauty morbid in everything. Especially for me...
Good Day!/Szép Napot!